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PowerMedia XMS RESTful C# demo


This article showcases using .NET 3.5 framework with C# programming language for creating HTTP RESTful applications for controlling Dialogic® PowerMedia™ Extended Media Server (XMS).   Although the demo demonstrates a simple feature set, like inbound and outbound calls, playing and recording audio data, it's composition allows for it to be enhanced with more functionality.

Program Features

The PowerMedia XMS RESTful demo is a GUI C# demo written to work with PowerMedia XMS. The demo currently has the following functionality:

  • Controls PowerMedia XMS resources for making and receiving SIP audio calls.
  • Plays and records audio files.
  • Implements asynchronous HTTP processing on answering and releasing SIP calls to minimize delays and improve performance.
  • Uses XMS XSD schema to build XML message payload from call-related C# class objects and deserialize incoming XML text to objects.  

The application is ready to receive incoming calls at any time, as long as the server has free call resources. Simultaneously, a user can make an outbound call from XMS using demo’s GUI. Upon connection the demo plays or plays/records audio files; although the call flow is currently hardcoded, the application provides means for developing more complex call scenarios.

Code Composition

The program consists of three threads. The main thread (GUI form), event processing thread, and a thread for handling HTTP responses in asynchronous manner. Below is a brief description of main classes and their roles in the application.

  • XmsDemoForm:Form : Static (singleton in terms of C++). User interface for controlling the application. Allows users to specify IP address/port of the PowerMedia XMS system, start/stop the program and make outbound calls. Contains a list box, where top-level messages, errors, and events are displayed.
  • XmsInterface : Static. Utility class, helping to establish connection to the server, create HTTP requests and read responses from the PowerMedia XMS. Instantiated in a Form class at start-up. Carries PowerMedia XMS connection information.
  • EventHandler : Static. Launched by the main thread at initialization time, creates event handler. Then spawns a thread which waits for incoming PowerMedia XMS events in a loop. When an event arrives, the handler defines its type (call, conference, keep alive) and passes data to consumers for processing.

An overview of the program is detailed below:

1) Creating event handler by sending POST to PowerMedia XMS 

HttpWebRequest l_request = XmsInterface.CreateRequest("POST", "eventhandlers", "");

Upon success, XMS responds with status code 201 Created:

HttpWebResponse l_response = (HttpWebResponse)l_request.GetResponse();
if (l_response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.Created) 
// process negative response here 


 2) Launching event reader in a separate thread


The XML payload of the response is getting deserialized to the eventhandler_response class object, and the EventHandler fills up the handler ID and starts the event processing thread:


Type tp = m_ws.Item.GetType(); 
switch (tp.Name) 
case "eventhandler_response": 
eventhandler_response l_ehr = (eventhandler_response)m_ws.Item; 
EventHandler.m_href = l_ehr.href; 
EventHandler.m_hId = l_ehr.identifier; 
m_eventThread = new Thread(EventHandler.EventThread); 
m_eventThread.IsBackground = true; 
m_eventThread.Start(); break; 


In the event thread routine, the program first sends a GET request to XMS, which causes XMS to start streaming chunked XML data to the application:


HttpWebRequest l_request = XmsInterface.CreateRequest("GET", "eventhandlers", m_hId);


Then the data reader is started in the loop:


HttpWebResponse l_response = (HttpWebResponse)l_request.GetResponse(); 
StreamReader l_evtStream = new StreamReader(l_response.GetResponseStream()); 
string line = ""; 
while (m_isRunning) 
{ try 
line = l_evtStream.ReadLine(); // skipping unreadable 
line = l_evtStream.ReadLine(); // reading event length 
if (line == null || line.Length < 1) // may happen upon exit 
catch (IOException ex) 
int buf_length = Int32.Parse(line, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier); // parsing hex to int 
char[] r_buf = new char[buf_length]; 
l_evtStream.Read(r_buf, 0, buf_length); 
string str = new string(r_buf); 
Logger.Log(str, "", false); 
if(str.Length > 0) // not to pass empty payload 
ProcessEvent(str); // dispatches events to consumers 


The Read() operation is blocking when reading junked input, this is why a separate thread is needed for the event reader.


3. Dispatching Events to Consumers


The ProcessEvent() method defines the type of the signaling resource and sends the event for further processing to the owner:



Type tp = l_ws.Item.GetType(); 
@event l_event = (@event)l_ws.Item; 
switch (l_event.resource_type) 
case "call": 
case "conference": 
case "keepalive": 
Logger.Log("Keepalive from XMS", false); 
Logger.Log("ERROR - Unknown event type", false); break; 



  • CallManager : Static. Answers and makes calls. Maintains a hash table of all active calls, advances call states according to the events and commands, implements a call flow. Interacts with EventHandler, GUI and XmsCall classes.
  • ConfManager : Static. Reserved for implementation. 
  • Logger Static. Simple logger, prints HTTP – XML messages to a file and topmost messages and errors to the list box on the form.
  • XmsCall : Represents call objects. Stateless, run in a context of event thread. Provides methods for answering and making calls, play-record, collecting digits etc. Since some call control operations, like SIP answer or SIP teardown are not atomic and may be delayed by network, this class implements asynchronous HTTP interactions on such procedures, so the event thread is never blocked. This is done with BeginGetResponse/EndGetResponse .NET HTTP API. 

 Below you will find an overview of XmsCall class and use of the .NET HTTP API:

1) Call manager receives an event indicating a new incoming call. It creates a new XmsCall object and sends an Answer command to it:

// CallManager: 
private static void OnOffered(ref XmsCall a_call) 
a_call.CallState = XmsCall.e_CallState.STATE_OFFERED; 
a_call.CallDirection = XmsCall.e_CallDirection.Incoming; 
addCall(ref a_call); // adding the new call to the hash table 
if (a_call.Answer() != 0) // invoking ASYNC Answer procedure 

2) The XmsCall object initiates an answer procedure and returns control to the thread immediately:

// XmsCall: 
m_request = XmsInterface.CreateRequest("PUT", "calls", this.CallId); 
using (Stream l_requestStream = m_request.GetRequestStream()) 
XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(typeof(web_service)); 
x.Serialize(l_requestStream, l_ws); // building XML doc to send Answer command 
// now waiting for a status from the server, the API below returns immediately 
IAsyncResult asyncResult = m_request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(onAnswer), this); 
// When the XMS response arrives, the onAnswer callback will be invoked by .NET

3) When the operation completes, the .NET invokes a callback indicating end of task. The XmsCall object then raises an unnamed .NET event which can be consumed by any listener in this address space, in this case, by the CallManager:

private static void onAnswer(IAsyncResult a_result) 
XmsCall l_call = (XmsCall)a_result.AsyncState; 
HttpWebRequest l_request = null; 
HttpWebResponse l_response = null; 
l_request = l_call.m_request; l_response = (HttpWebResponse)l_request.EndGetResponse(a_result); 
Logger.Log(XmsInterface.ResponseToString(l_response), "", false); 
if (l_response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) 
. . . 
l_call.CallEvent.Set(); // signal to listeners about completion of ASYNC operation 

4) The CallManager runs a thread where it waits for completion events from all call objects it owns.

Thread l_callCompletionThread = new Thread(onAsyncCallEvent); 

When one of the calls raises an event, the CallManager defines the call state and acts accordingly:

foreach(XmsCall l_call in l_callList) 
if (l_call.CallEvent.WaitOne(1))// completion event on this call 
case XmsCall.e_CallState.STATE_FAIL: 
deleteCall(l_call); // delete ther call 
case XmsCall.e_CallState.STATE_CONNECTED: 
case XmsCall.e_CallState.STATE_IDLE: 

Multithreading Considerations

The three threads comprising the demo may need to access a sharable resource, like a call hash table or ListBox GUI control at same time, which is not safe. To synchronize such tasks, the program uses mutex objects and delegates. For example, each time the hash table needs to be updated, the code first makes sure that there is no one else currently working with the table, and only then proceeds:

private static void deleteCall(XmsCall a_call) 
} catch (Exception ex) 
Logger.Log("{ERROR: Cannot remove a call from call table: " + ex.Message, true); 

Another example of handling shared resources is accessing a sharable GUI control from a thread other than the control’s creator. In this demo example, this happens when the event thread needs to print something to the main window. .NET does not allow such operation directly. Instead, the code defines a delegate – in this context, the thread-safe event-processing method, and invokes it (sends the event to the XmsDemoForm class) when needed:

When an object calls the WriteMessage() method of XmsDemoForm class to update the list box, the form first checks whether the request is made from the same thread where the list box was created, and, if not, it stores the data to print and returns a negative response to the caller. The caller then invokes a delegate to complete the printing:

public int WriteMessage(string a_message, bool a_request) 
m_request = a_request; 
m_txtMessage = a_message; 
if (txtRequest.InvokeRequired) // if it is safe to print directly? 
return -1; // the calling thread will try to invoke the delegate 
ToScreen();// otherwise go ahead and add the message to a list box return 0;

Building and Running the Demo

The demo was developed with VS 9.0 (Microsoft Visual Studio 2008) and does not use any external references besides those provided by the .NET 3.5 framework. Some definitions around HTTP functionality may be incompatible with .NET 2.0, so as of October 2012,  .NET 3.5 is recommended. The demo does not require any arguments when started. A user starts the demo, fills in the XMS system's IP address and port, XMS Application ID and press “Start” button. The application now is ready to receive and make calls.

Due to schema changes between XMS versions, the application required slight changes. Below you will find specific versions of the application that match specific XMS versions:

  • XMS 1.1 demo available here.
  • XMS 2.1/2.2 demo available here
  • XMS 2.4 demo is available here. 

Product List

Dialogic® PowerMedia™ Extended Media Server / PowerMedia XMS

Glossary of Acronyms

HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol

REST - client server architecture using HTTP

.NET Framework -  is a software framework developed by Microsoft that runs primarily on Windows

C# - programming language used within .NET Framework


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First published: 12-Nov-2012
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