Dialogic® Pro™ Advantage Services are available as additional contracted services to customers who have a Dialogic Service Agreement. Dialogic® products are deployed throughout the world in complex network, compliance, and application environments. Our experts can help your deployment go smoothly.
Deployment Phase Services are described below.
Onsite support
Customers that desire intensive one-on-one support visits by Dialogic engineers at a specific site can contract for onsite support.
First deployment support
The success of a new network or service often depends on rapid access to expert support when it is first deployed. Dialogic can provide a range of contracted capabilities at this critical time.
System installation, verification, and testing
Dialogic’s extensive experience in test planning, system verification, system installation, and installation testing can help ensure a smooth deployment experience.
Lab hosting of customer configurations
Dialogic has invested in media and signaling labs in multiple worldwide locations. To assist with rapid and accurate testing and analysis, customer configurations may be hosted in these labs.