Poll 0x00AB

SwitchKit Name



EXS API and SwitchKit API message


Poll 0x00AB

This message is sent by each CSP Matrix Series 3 Card to the host periodically, according to the poll interval.

This message is also sent by each SS7 card (active and standby) to the SS7 local host periodically, according to the poll interval when interfaced by TCP/IP connections.

The default interval for the CSP Matrix Series 3 Card is 2 seconds; it can be changed using the Poll Interval Configure message.

The default interval for the SS7 card is 2 seconds; it can be changed using the Poll Interval Configure message.

A Poll message is sent every time a state transition occurs. On transitions to the boot state, the poll may be delayed while the matrix or SS7 card resets. Every Poll message indicates the most recent matrix or SS7 card state transitions.

The information in the Poll message is used by the host to detect that a matrix is attached to the host and that the communication link is functional. In a redundant system, information about the adjacent matrix or SS7 card state is also included. The host must use this information to properly communicate with the system.

The ACK to this message can go to the standby CSP Matrix Series 3 Card.

Sent by


SwitchKit Code

SwitchKit Code

C Structure

typedef struct {

unsigned short Status;

UBYTE SystemType;

UBYTE MatrixSide;

UBYTE MatrixState;

UBYTE AdjMatrixState;

UBYTE StatusBits;

UBYTE Reserved1;

UBYTE Reserved2;

unsigned short ExcelPort;

} XL_PollMessage;

C++ Class

class XLC_PollMessage : public XLC_InboundMessage {


unsigned short getStatus() const;

void setStatus(unsigned short x);

UBYTE getSystemType() const;

void setSystemType(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getMatrixSide() const;

void setMatrixSide(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getMatrixState() const;

void setMatrixState(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getAdjMatrixState() const;

void setAdjMatrixState(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getStatusBits() const;

void setStatusBits(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getReserved1() const;

void setReserved1(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getReserved2() const;

void setReserved2(UBYTE x);

unsigned short getExcelPort() const;

void setExcelPort(unsigned short x);


Overview of message

The following table provides an overview of this message. The table following it, provides the detail for each byte.




Field Description


Field Description


Frame (0xFE)


Frame (0xFE)

1, 2

Length (0xNNNN)

1, 2

Length (0x0005)

3, 4

Message Type (0x00AB)

3, 4

Message Type (0x00AB)


Reserved (0x00)


Reserved (0x00)


Sequence Number


Same Sequence Number


Logical Node ID


Logical Node ID

8, 9

Status MSB, LSB




Poll Source








EXS API Hex Format - Detailed




Field Description


Field Description


Frame (0xFE)


Frame (0xFE)

1, 2

Length (0xNNNN)

1, 2

Length (0x0005)

3, 4

Message Type (0x00AB)

3, 4

Message Type (0x00AB)


Reserved (0x00)


Reserved (0x00)


Sequence Number


Same Sequence Number


Logical Node ID


Logical Node ID

8, 9

Status MSB, LSB

The status is always 0x0010




System Type

0x01 CSP 2090

0x03 CSP 2040

0x04 - EXNET Connect

0x80 SS7 card (both PQ and Series 3)



The data varies, depending on the Poll source.


The following data is reported if the Poll source is an CSP Matrix Series 3 Card, EXNET-ONE card, or EXNET Connect® card.


Data[0] Card ID

This field indicates the CSP Matrix Series 3 Card that is polling.

0x00 Right CSP 2000 Matrix (Slot 0x20)

0x01 Left CSP 2000 Matrix (Slot 0x21)



Data[1] Card State

This field indicates the most recent matrix state.

0x01 Booting

0x02 Initializing

0x03 Standby

0x04 Switching Over

0x05 Active



Data[2] Adjacent Card State

This field indicates the most recent adjacent CSP Matrix Series 3 Card state
Changes in the adjacent CSP Matrix Series 3 Card state should be considered
as events at the host.

0x00 No adjacent CSP Matrix Series 3 Card detected.

0x01 Adjacent CSP Matrix Series 3 Card detected,
cannot establish inter-matrix communications.

0x02 Adjacent CSP Matrix Series 3 Card detected, inter-matrix
established, and adjacent CSP Matrix Series 3 Card cannot establish
communications with the host.

0x03 Adjacent CSP Matrix Series 3 Card detected, inter-matrix
communications established, and adjacent CSP Matrix Series 3 Card
communicating with host.


Data[3] Card Status

This field is a bit mask. The meaning of each bit is as follows:


Bit 0 Host Messaging

0 Receiving messages from host
(at least 1 per 5-second interval)

1 Not Receiving messages from the host


Bit 1* Download

0 Download not required

1 Download required


Bit 2 Active Ethernet Interface

0 Interface 1 Active

1 Interface 2 Active


Bit 3 Configuration

0 Ready for configuration messages

1 Not ready for configuration messages


Bit 4 Reserved

Bit 5 TFTP Download

0 Not In Progress

1 In Progress


Bits 6-7 Reserved


* If the CSP Matrix Series 3 Card has system software, or if it can obtain it from the adjacent CSP Matrix Series 3 Card, Bit 1 is "0". If Bit 1 is set, the host initiates a download of the system software. In some circumstances, both CSP Matrix Series 3 Card cards indicate that they require system software to be downloaded. The CSP Matrix Series 3 Card that receives its Download Complete message last will become the active CSP Matrix Series 3 Card.



Data[4, 5] Reserved


Data[6, 7] Multi-Host Connection Status

This field is a bit mask indicating the connection status of each host according
the previous Poll message sent by the CSP. If the Poll message was
acknowledged by a specific host port, the corresponding bit is set to 1. If the
Poll message was not acknowledged by a specific host, the corresponding bit
is set to 0.

Polling is operational only when the host is connected to Host Port
3142 and polling is enabled.


0 - no Poll ACK received

1 - Poll ACK received


Bit Number Host Port Number

Byte 1

1 (Low Bit) 0x3142

2 0x3143

3 0x3144

4 0x3145

5 0x3146

6 0x3147

7, 8 Reserved (0)

Byte 2

9-16 Reserved (0)



The following data is reported if the Poll Source is an SS7 card:

Data[0] Slot Number

Data[1] Card State

0x01 Booting or Unknown

0x02 Synchronizing

0x03 Standby

0x04 Reserved

0x05 Active or Single State


Data[2] Adjacent Card State

0x01 Booting or Unknown

0x02 Synchronizing

0x03 Standby

0x04 Reserved

0x05 Active or Single State


Data[3] Card Status

This field is a bit mask. The meaning of each bit is as follows:


Bit 0 Host Messaging

0 Receiving messages from local host (default)

1 Not Receiving messages from the host

Bit 1 Reserved

Bit 2 Standby Card Messaging

0 Mate SS7 card receiving message from local host (default)

1 Mate SS7 card not receiving message from local host


3 Configuration

0 - Ready for configuration messages

1 - Not ready for configuration messages

4-7 Reserved

Data[4,5] Reserved

