Product Environmental Information

In August 2005, the European Union Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (2002/96/EC) and its amendment (2003/108/EC), collectively known as the WEEE Directive, came into force throughout most of the European Union. This Dialogic product comes within the scope of the WEEE Directive.

We are confident that this product will provide you with many years of reliable service. Ultimately, a time may come when the product will no longer meet your needs or will become un-economical to repair. It is at that stage that we ask for your co-operation in recycling this product in the spirit of the WEEE directive.

While Dialogic has taken great care to minimize the environmental burden of this product by careful design and manufacturing, we ask you to help us to further minimize the environmental burden of this product by recycling it. Please do not dispose of this product through municipal or general waste systems because it contains materials that can be economically recycled.

Like all electrical and electronic equipment, including televisions and computers, it may contain small amounts of materials which could lead to environmental damage. To minimize any environmental damage we ask you to have this product recycled by:

• bringing it to the recycling collection point in your company

• by handing it into the store where you are purchasing the replacement

• by delivering it to a local bring-center in your area.

No charge can be imposed on you for this recycling service in the European Union as Dialogic has paid for recycling this product when it was placed on the market. These are requirements of the WEEE Directive. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and for working with Dialogic to protect our environment.