Hot-Swappable Cards


Line and service cards are hot swappable, which means you can insert or remove them while the power is ON without disrupting system operation.

Important! This procedure does not apply to the power cards.

Hot Swapping Cards

Follow these instructions when you hot swap a card:

1 When replacing an existing card, press the STOP button on that card to disable the card’s bus driver and prevent interference to other cards.

2 Unscrew the front panel from the chassis and remove the card.

3 Insert the new card into the slot and secure the front panel to the chassis. If you remove a card and do not replace it with another card, you must cover the slot with a Blockout card to ensure proper airflow and operator protection.

If you remove a blockout panel or a card, it exposes you to live electrical components and possible injury.

Always press the STOP button on the SS7 PQ, SS7 Series 3, or ISDN Series 3 line card in a redundant card pair configuration before removing or inserting the corresponding I/O card. For example, in a redundant SS7 PQ, SS7 Series 3, or ISDN Series 3 card pair configuration, be aware that the redundant line card may reset when removing or inserting the primary I/O card. If this occurs, the system will lose calls.