You are here: CSP Developer’s Guide: Overview > 9 Configuring the DSP-ONE Card > VRA Hardware Configuration
Both cards carry non-volatile flash memory, so they do not lose announcement information when they are removed from the CSP or when power is lost. You can store a particular announcement on multiple SIMMs simultaneously, but only once on each SIMM. If the host attempts to download the same announcement twice to the same SIMM, an alarm is returned to the host. Using these DSP cards, the maximum announcements per CSP is 4,096.
VRA Modules on the DSP-ONE Card
Each DSP-ONE card can be configured with either one or two VRA modules. Each VRA module contains two logical SIMMs. One of these logical SIMMs (number 0 or 2) is dedicated to voice recorded announcements, and you cannot change this default. The other logical SIMM (number 1 or 3) is available for other DSP functions, and it must be configured by the host.
Each logical VRA SIMM (one DSP chip per SIMM) can store up to 52 minutes of recorded voice, or up to 2,048 individual announcements, whichever comes first. Any single announcement can be up to 34.95 minutes long.
Figure 9-8 shows two VRA modules. The logical SIMM’s number depends on the location of the VRA module.
Figure 9-8 VRA Module on the DSP-ONE Card
VRA SIMMs on the DSP-ONE Card
The VRA SIMM performs voice recorded announcements only. Each card can have up to four VRA SIMMs. Each VRA SIMM can store 1,000 seconds of recorded voice or up to 300 individual announcements, whichever comes first.