Card DIP Switch Selectable Functionality


The CSP card DIP switch selectable functionality, listed below, are customer initiated by manually setting the DIP switch positions on the cards listed below.

Ethernet Link, Force 100 Mbps/Full Duplex

No Static IP Address

Software Loading Using Second Ethernet Port

For detailed information on the DIP switch settings refer to the Card Status Report (0x00A6) message in the Hardware Information field.

Ethernet Link, Force 100 Mbps/Full Duplex

This feature enables the cards listed below to be able to force the Ethernet links to a 100 Mbps/full duplex mode instead of the default auto-negotiate mode. In certain cases, the auto-negotiation fails to achieve the highest possible rate when customers routers are in force full 100 configurations.

CSP Matrix Series 3 Card

IP Signaling Series 3 Card

SS7 Series 3 Card

ISDN Series 3 Card

DSP Series 2 Card

Important! If you use the Ethernet Link, Force100 Mbps/Full Duplex mode with a hub/switch/router that is not in a forced full 100 Mbps configuration, the results can vary and a link connection may not be possible.

To set the Ethernet Link, Force100 Mbps/Full Duplex mode on any of the above cards, refer to the DIP switch settings in the Hardware Product Descriptions.

No Static IP Address

This feature allows the cards listed below to enable the No Static IP Address mode instead of using the default Static IP mode.

CSP Matrix Series 3 Card

IP Signaling Series 3 Card

In the No static IP Address mode, RARP or BOOTP must retrieve an IP address for the CSP Matrix Series 3 Card or IP Signaling Series 3 card. This feature is enabled by setting DIP switch S1 (SW1/IP Signaling) position 8 on either card to OFF to enable the following functionality:

If RARP or BOOTP can not obtain an IP address, the static IP address will not be used.

This allows the Matrix Controller Series 3 or IP Signaling Series 3 cards to reset and try RARP or BOOTP again to obtain the correct IP address, rather than use the static IP address that is stored in RAM.

When DIP switch S1 (SW1/IP Signaling) position 8 is set to ON (default) the following functionality is enabled:

If RARP or BOOTP can not obtain an IP address, the static IP address will be used.

To set the No Static IP Address mode on any of the above cards, refer to the DIP switch settings in the Hardware Product Descriptions.

Software Loading Using Second Ethernet Port

This feature allows the card listed below to use the second Ethernet port if the first port (default) cannot obtain the software load.

CSP Matrix Series 3 Card

If you want to include the second Ethernet port in obtaining an IP address, set DIP switch S1, position 7, to OFF prior to booting up. To use this feature, refer to the sequence of events described below:

The CSP Matrix Series 3 Card tries to retrieve an IP address from the I/O card default Ethernet port ETH1 to obtain the software load.

If this attempt is unsuccessful, the CSP Matrix Series 3 Card then tries to obtain the software load through Ethernet port ETH2.

If still unsuccessful, the CSP Matrix Series 3 Card uses the stored static IP address for ETH1 to obtain the software load.

Important! To enable the static IP address, ensure DIP switch S1, position 8 is set to ON.

To set the Software Loading Using the Second Ethernet mode on the above card, refer to the Hardware Product Descriptions.