System Software Licensing


The System Software License is based on a combination of the chassis serial number and the System Software release number. For example, the System Software License for 8.2 is valid for releases 8.2.0, 8.2.1, and 8.2.2. For release 8.3.x, you must download a new license.

System Software Licensing is an evolution from existing Dialogic licensing models. Dialogic already licenses software functions, such as SIP, SS7 User Parts, and Call Agent Mode. Dialogic’s licensing has always provided flexibility by allowing you to pay for only as much capacity as you currently need (such as SS7 links, T1/E1 Spans) with the ability to buy more capacity as your needs grow.

The System Software License applies to your base System Software load and to System Software upgrades.

Product License Download (0x0079)

Use this message to download the encrypted System Software Key. The new Key Type, Enable System Software (0x303E), is provided in the Product License ICB (0x24).

Product License Query (0x007A)

Use this message to query the installed System Software Key. The Key Type, Enable System Software (0x303E) appears in the Key Type field of the Response to this message.

Once the System Software is downloaded, the Poll message indicates to the host that the Matrix Controller card has a software load and is ready for configuration. The host then sends the System Software License.

If no license or an invalid license has been downloaded before configuration, the following Response Status Values appear in the responses to the Product License Download message (0x0079) or Product License Query message (0x007A):

0x4D01 Software Key Found Not Valid

0x4D02 Data Decrypted Not Valid

0x4D03 Product License-Insufficient Licensed Resources

0x4D3D Product License-Invalid ICB Data

0x4D74 Invalid Card Type

0x4DAA Insufficient Hardware

0x007F Software Module Locked

Assign Logical Span ID (0x00A8)

This messages has new logic to check that the System Software Key has been sent to the CSP. If a valid System Software Key has not been sent, the message is NACKed with the following Response Status Value: