Add LLC Node Feature


A node is connected to the Low-Level Controller (LLC) through a TCP/IP socket. That socket is opened by the LLC when the node is connected.

For the LLC to connect to a node, SwitchManager needs an AddLLCNode message in the configuration file. The message includes a logical node ID and either one or two IP addresses, depending on the setup.

The IP address(es) for the node are the addresses of the primary CSP Matrix Series 3 card and, if applicable, the secondary CSP Matrix Series 3 card.


To connect a node, you must do the following:

Start LLC without specifying any nodes on the command line. (The -i option is not valid anymore.)

Start SwitchManager with a configuration file that specifies the nodes the LLC will connect to.

Important! With the introduction of the SK_AddLLCNode message, the IP addresses in the Config Switch window are obsolete. Also, Node ID 0xff (255) is no longer allowed. Each Node must be assigned a number even if in a single node configuration.

When the LLC is requested to connect to a node via the AddLLCNode() command, LLC will maintain that connection until told to disconnect. If the specified IP address is not reachable, LLC will continue attempting the connection forever. This condition will be logged in the LLC maintenance log file.


The following is an example of how to set up the message in the configuration file:

AddLLCNode(matrix1="", matrix2="", RequestedNode=0x08);

Return Values

The Status field in the acknowledgment can contain the following values:

If the return value is



node was added successfully.


one or both IP addresses are already in use by the LLC for another logical node ID.


no more nodes can be added to the LLC. Current limit is 128 nodes.


no response from that IP address was received after 15 seconds.


no valid license exists for the new node.


an unexpected error occurred. Refer to the LLC maintenance.log for more details.


a delete command was sent for a nonexisting node.