0x2953 Subsequent Information Status

If all the NPDI data cannot be sent from the CSP to the host in one Request for Service (RFS) with Data message, the remaining data is sent in the PPL Event Indication message (component ID 0x00A7 and event ID 0x23). If the CSP sends the data in multiple messages, the RFS with Data and subsequent PPL event indications, the CSP adds this TLV to those messages. This TLV indicates the sequence number of the message and whether there is more data to follow in the PPL Event Indication.

Similarly, if all the NPDI data cannot be sent from the host in the Route Control or Outseize Control message, the remaining data is sent in one or more PPL Event Request messages. Each of these messages has to include the proper sequence number.

Used in:
Outseize Control message
Route Control
PPL Event Request message
Request for Service with Data message
PPL Event Indications message



0, 1

Tag 0x2953

2, 3

Length 0x0002


Value[0] Sequence number of the message

The Request for Service message has a value of 1.
Subsequent PPL Event Indications have a value
of 1+n where n is the number of the PPL
Event Indication.


The Route Control or Outseize Control message

have a value of 1. Subsequent PPL Event

Requests have a value of 1+n where n is the

number of the PPL Event Request message.


Value[1] Last message indicator


0 there are more messages to follow

1 the current message is the last one