Resetting a Card


This procedures describes how to reset a card in the monitoring mode. See also Resetting an EXNET Connect Card (7-88).

Before you begin

Open the CSA. Ensure that the LLC and SwitchManager are running. For information on running the LLC and SwitchManager, refer to the SwitchKit documentation.

Resetting a Card

To reset a card in a live system do the following:


1 In the global view, double-click on the monitor icon to display the populated node view.

2 To get to the Reset Card menu, do one of the following:

Right-click the card you want to reset and select either: Reset Card or Reset Card (Forced).

Click on the card you want to reset, go to the menu and select: Provisioning®Card®Reset Card or Provisioning®Card®Reset Card (Forced).


Important! Forced mode causes a card's configuration to be reset even if it has spans in service.

To reset an IP Signaling Series 3 card, right click the card and select Reset H.323 Card.

3 When either of the following dialog boxes open, click OK.