Viewing or Changing DS3 Configuration

Viewing Configuration

You can query the framer used on the DS3 card. The framer is either CBIT or M13. To view the DS3 framer configuration, in the node view right-click on the DS3 card and select View DS3 Configuration.

A message box displays the current DS3 framer, which would be CBIT or M13. Click OK to close the message box.


Changing Configuration

To change the DS3 framer, right-click the DS3 card in the node view and select Change DS3 Configuration. A message box pops up to confirm that the framer changed. For example, if the framer was previously CBIT, then after you select Change DS3 Configuration the message box would be as shown in the next screen shot.

Click OK to close the message box and set the framer as shown in the message box. Cancel will not do anything.