Tandem Configuration


The EXS SwitchKit installation CD provides several configuration sample files. This section uses the tandem.cfg configuration file to explain the set up. To run this file, you must have the T1 card in Slot 1 and the card must loop back. The DSP card must be in Slot 0. If your EX’s hardware configuration is different, you must change the slot specifications in the configuration file.

File Setup


With respect to the node connectivity feature of EXS SwitchKit, the first message in a configuration file should be AddLLCNode. The parameters you need to specify are RequestedNode, Matrix1, and Matrix2. If your system has only one CSP Matrix Series 3 card, you still need to list the Matrix2 parameter, but the value will be an empty quoted string.

AllInService / AllOutOfService

You send AllInService to bring all switch entities in service on completion of the specified configuration. AllOutOfService brings all switch entities out of service prior to implementing the specified configuration.


With ClearAllChanGroups you remove all channels from all logical channel groups.


With AssignSpan you map the physical spans with the logical span ID.


When the spans are assigned, you use the AssociateChanGroup message to define the name of a logical channel group and to associate a range of channels to that logical channel group.


With AnswerSuperviseConfig you configure answer supervision mode for a range of channels.


Use the TrunkTypeConfig message to configure the trunk interface signaling for the specified range of channels (start dial type, filters, timers, etc. are set to defaults).


With LocalReleaseConfig you configure the specified range of channels for a local end release mode of park or release.


With DistantReleaseConfig you configure the specified range of channels for a distant end release mode of park or release.


With LoopTimingConfig, you set or clear loop timing sources.


The InseizeInstrListConfig message configures a list of inseize control instructions for later real time call processing. You can configure one control instruction per message. If you need to configure four control instructions, you must send four messages, as shown in our sample configuration file.


Use the OutseizeInstrListConfig message to configure a list of outseize control instructions. As with InseizeInstrListConfig you must send one message for every control instruction.


The InpulsingParametersConfig message configures inpulse data collection parameters for the specified range of channels.


With the DSPSIMMConfig you configure the DSP SIMMs for the individual DSP functions as specified.