CSA - Converged Services Administrator


The Converged Services Administrator (CSA) is a real-time switch configuration, monitoring, and administration application. The CSA lets developers monitor the current state of the switch in real-time through an intuitive graphical user interface. You can even monitor the switch remotely over multiple terminals. The state of the switch and all its components and alarms are graphically displayed as they occur. The view of the switch can be easily changed at any time.

You can also monitor trunk groups and trace and view channel status in real-time. You can take channels and trunk groups in and out of service without downtime. You can view alarm and statistic details without decoding log files.

For additional information on CSA, see the Converged Services Administrator User’s Guide.

CSA offers the ability to configure a CSP off-line, without any SwitchKit components or a Converged Services Platform available. CSA also offers the ability to configure a CSP on-line, from scratch or by modifying the existing application.