SwitchKit® Product Description

SwitchKit ®

SwitchKit® provides a comprehensive, high-level and open programming environment for the application development and maintenance of the CSP. SwitchKit includes a feature-rich operations, administration and maintenance (OA&M) system and a high-level API suite, freeing developers to concentrate on revenue-generating applications and services. Because it facilitates the development and integration of Dialogic switch-based telephony applications, it delivers important benefits to both system integrators and service providers.

SwitchKit greatly reduces the time and cost in the deploying and maintaining switch-based solutions - providing a quantitative edge in markets that are increasingly competitive, dynamic, global, and deregulated. SwitchKit enables the development and implementation of custom, highly differentiated services, providing a qualitative edge in response to the demands of the telecommunications marketplace.

SwitchKit is implemented in a modular manner. It segregates administration and configuration functions from the application, enabling multiple services to utilize a single, consistent OA&M system. Since an application developed using SwitchKit does not need to concern itself with OA&M overhead, it can be simpler, modular, more efficient, and easily maintained. Furthermore, applications are portable and scalable because they operate independently of the switch utilities. The result is that developers can implement applications and services with better price performance and superior flexibility over a wide range of market needs and sizes.

SwitchKit supports resource sharing and redundancy. It lets multiple independent applications efficiently share a single switch by handling the channel sharing and message routing automatically. Resources such as cards, lines and nodes can be added to the environment while an application is running, and configured automatically. Thus, multiple solutions and facilities can be developed and delivered through a single, open and programmable switch platform — Dialogic's platform — for superior return on investment and reliability in all aspects of the services creation and provisioning process.

SwitchKit has been developed based on the C++ programming language and industry-standard communications protocols, and is available on a variety of platforms. It is designed to be easily scalable and upgradable, so that modules can be added and or extended, enabling easy growth of existing services and addition of new ones - without redesign.

SwitchKit features include:

Modules that administer, configure, and automatically manage the operation of switches.

Redundant low-level communicators that eliminate any single point of failure.

A C and C++ API suite for the CSP, based on an industry-standard call processing model.

Converged Services Administrator, a graphical user interface for configuring, monitoring and maintaining the CSP.

SwitchKit has been designed to support the performance of CSP hardware. As a result, applications can make better and more efficient use of Dialogic resources. Running on either Windows® or UNIX platforms, SwitchKit provides a comprehensive suite of tools.

Application Checklist

SwitchKit provides the following core functional areas needed for your application to work effectively with the Multi-Signaling Platform.

Host Connection


Message Management


Alarm Manager

Real-time Logging

Real-time Management

User Interface

After all the above functional areas have been addressed in your application, you may now add call processing to your application.