5 Logging Functions


This chapter describes the logging functions available in SwitchKit. It provides prototype information, possible error return values, and a description of what the function does.

Most functions return an integer value. Upon successful completion, that return value is OK (0). Non-zero return values indicate some error conditions. Each function lists the associated error conditions.

Some functions return pointers; those functions do not have a status value indicating success or failure.

All modules within SwitchKit generate log files. You can also generate your own log files, and have them managed by SwitchKit. Log file entries can also be displayed on the screen. By default, SwitchManager and the LLC send their output to the screen as well as to the log file, while the applications only write it to the log file. The behavior of the LLC and SwitchManager can be changed through the environment variable SK_SCREEN_OUTPUT, while the behavior of the applications can be changed by using the function sk_setSilentMode().