SKIM and SKTAL API Call Flow


This section provides an example call flow with a description of the steps in the call flow.


The next diagram shows messaging of a call from initialization to termination. See the description of the steps in the next diagram.

Description of Initialization

1. Create a connection with LLC using SwitchKit API sktsCreateConnection ().

2. Initialize the SKIM_Api object.

3. SKIM initializes the SKTAL API layer.

4. SKIM registers a TCAP SSN with SKTAL layer.

5. SKTAL registers a TCAP message handler with SwitchKit.

6. SKTAL registers a TCAP SSN with SwitchKit. This is done for receiving messages for a given TCAP SSN.

7. SKTAL registers SCCP User Interface component with SwitchKit. This is done to receive SCCP management messages.

Description of Sending Begin + Invoke

8. SKIM application sends a TCAP transaction with a Begin dialogue and Invoke Component.

9. SKIM allocates a TCAP dialogue ID for the new transaction.

10. SKIM registers a dialog handler for receiving incoming messages for the new TCAP dialogue.

11. SKIM sends the TCAP invoke component to the SKTAL layer.

12. SKTAL sends the TCAP invoke component to the EXS using SwitchKit API.

13. SKIM sends the TCAP Begin dialogue to the SKTAL layer.

14. SKTAL sends the TCAP Begin dialogue to the EXS using SwitchKit API.

Description of Receiving Begin + Invoke

15. SwitchKit library invokes SKTAL TCAP message handler to give TCAP Begin message to SKTAL.

16. SKTAL receives TCAP Begin dialogue message and invokes SKIM new dialogue handler.

17. SKIM registers a per dialogue message handler as part of new dialog handler.

18. SKTAL invokes the SKIM dialogue message handler to pass TCAP Begin dialog to SKIM.

19. SwitchKit library invokes SKTAL TCAP message handler to give TCAP Invoke message to SKTAL.

20. SKTAL invokes the SKIM dialogue message handler to pass TCAP invoke component to SKIM.

21. SKIM invokes application transaction handler to pass TCAP Begin and Invoke to the application.

Description of Termination

22. Application calls SKIM Terminate API to terminate the SKIM API object.

23. SKIM deregisters TCAP SSN with SKTAL.

24. SKTAL deregisters TCAP SNN with SwitchKit.

25. SKTAL deregisters SCCP User Interface component with SwitchKit.

26. SKTAL removes TCAP message handler

27. SKIM terminates the SKTAL API layer.

28. Application destroys the connection with LLC.