Specifying PPL Files


This procedure describes how you send a PPL file with the CSA to the CSP.

Before you begin

You must have a node view window open in configuration mode.

Sending a PPL File

Follow the steps below for sending a PPL File:

1 In the node view window, right-click the blue area around the card slots and select PPL Tool Configuration from the pop-up menu. The Configure PPL Tool dialog opens:

2 Click the File Name cell and click browse to select a file (*.cfg), or type the path and file name into the table cell. You do not specify the SwitchManager file name.

3 By default, the Create Internal Routing is enabled. If you do not want the CSA to create the routing table for the VDAC-ONE card or IP Network Interface Series 2 card, uncheck the box. See Configuring VDAC-ONEor Configuring IP Network Interface Series 2/3 Cards.

4 Click OK to close the dialog box.



Configuration changes are not sent to the CSP until you select the menu: Configuration®Configure Through SwitchMgr ®Send Only Modified Configuration To Switch.