T1 Call Flows

This section includes call flows for T1 interfaces.

Inbound Four-digit DNIS

The example call comes into the CSP with E&M Wink Start signaling. The channel has been configured using the Inpulsing Parameters Configure message, with the following inpulsing parameters:

Number of Stages:


Number of Digit Strings:


Address Signaling Type:


Stage Complete Timeout:

20 seconds

String Collection Method:

Fixed Number of Digits

Number of Digits:



The channel has been previously configured using the Inseize Instruction List Configure message with the following inseize instruction list:

1. Generate Inseize ACK (Wink 1)

2. Receive Stage 1 Digits

3. Report Incoming Call with Address Data

4. Wait for Host Control


When an incoming call is detected, the CSP performs the following steps:

1. Generates Wink 1

2. Performs in-band DTMF reception, collecting and storing four Stage 1 digits

3. Reports the incoming call with the Stage 1 digit buffer and channel ID in a Request for Service with Data message sent to the host

4. Waits for further instructions from the host

Inbound - Exchange Access North American (EANA)

The example call comes into the CSP with E&M Wink Start signaling. The channel is configured with the following inpulsing parameters (using the Inpulsing Parameters Configure message):

Number of Stages:


Number of Digit Strings:


Address Signaling Type:


Stage Complete Timeout:

20 seconds

String Collection Method:

KP/ST Framed

The channel has been previously configured with the following inseize instruction list (using the Inseize Instruction List Configure message):

1. Generate Inseize ACK (Wink 1)

2. Receive Stage 1 Digits

3. Generate Wink 2

4. Report Incoming Call with Address Data

5. Wait for Host Control


When an incoming call is detected, the CSP performs the following:

1. Generates Wink 1

2. Performs in-band MFR1 reception, collecting and storing the KP/ST framed ANI digits and the called party address in Stage 1

3. Generates an ANI confirmation Wink 2

4. Reports the incoming call with the Stage 1 digit buffer and channel ID in a Request For Service With Data message sent to the host

5. Waits for further instructions from the host

Inbound - Taiwan MDR1 with ANI

The example call comes into the CSP with E&M Wink Start signaling. The channel is configured with the following inpulsing parameters (using the Inpulsing Parameters Configure message):

Number of Stages:


Number of Digit Strings:


Address Signaling Type:


Stage 1 Complete Timeout:

20 seconds

Stage 1 String 1 Collection Method:

KP/ST Compelled

Stage 2 Complete Timeout

20 seconds

Stage 2 String 1

KP/ST framed

The channel has been previously configured with the following inseize instruction list (using the Inseize Instruction List Configure message):

1. Generate Inseize ACK (Wink 1).

2. Receive Stage 1 Digits.

3. Generate Wink 2.

4. Receive Stage 2 Digits.

5. Report Incoming Call.

6. Wait for Host Control.

7. Set the following timers:

PPL Timer 0x5B - 640 ms
PPL Timer 0x1D - 800 ms

When an incoming call is detected, the CSP performs the following:

1. Starts Wink 1. Waits to detect KP Tone. Acknowledges KP tone by ending wink.

2. Performs in-band MFR1 reception, collecting and storing the KP/ST 1 framed digits and the called party address in Stage 1

3. Generates an ANI request Wink 2

4. Performs in band MFR1 reception, collecting and storing the KP/ST 1 framed ANI digits in Stage 2.

5. Reports with Stage 1 and Stage 2 digit buffer and channel ID in a Request for Service with Data message sent to the host.

6. Waits for further instructions from the host.

Outbound - Four-digit DNIS

The example call shows the host instructing the CSP to initiate an outbound call with E&M Wink Start signaling. Using the Outseize Control message, the host can have varying degrees of interaction with the CSP. The host can send each instruction separately, use a list of instructions preprogrammed on a channel with the Outseize Instruction List Configure message, or a combination of both.

To process this call without preprogrammed instructions, send a Route Control (or Outseize Control) message with the following ICBs:

1. Action ICB: Seize

2. Action ICB: Outpulse Stage 1

3. Action ICB: Send Host ACK

4. Action ICB: Wait for Host Control with Answer Supervision

5. Data ICB: Stage 1 Digits (DTMF digits, 4)

To process this call using preprogrammed instructions, send a Route Control (or Outseize Control) message with the following ICBs:

1. Action ICB: Seize

2. Action ICB: Use Instruction List

The CSP initiates the channel’s outseize instruction list, previously configured with the Outseize Instruction List Configure message.

Outpulse Stage 1 (the CSP uses the first Data ICB in list 3)

• Send Host ACK

• Wait for Host Control with Answer Supervision

3. Data ICB: Stage 1 Digits (DTMF digits, 4)


Outbound - Exchange Access North American (EANA)

To process this call without preprogrammed instructions, send a Route Control (or Outseize Control) message with the following ICBs:

Route Control message

1. Action ICB: Seize

2. Action ICB: Outpulse Stage 1 Digits

3. Action ICB: Scan For Wink 2

4. Action ICB: Send Host ACK

5. Action ICB: Wait for Host Control with Answer Supervision

6. Data ICB: Stage 1 Digits To Be Outpulsed (String1: ANI, String 2: MFR1 Called Party Address)

To process this call using preprogrammed instructions, the host first configures the channel with the following instructions:

Outseize Instruction List

1. Outpulse Stage 1 Digits

2. Scan For Wink 2

3. Send Host ACK

4. Wait for Host Control with Answer Supervision


Then, the host sends a Route Control (or Outseize Control) message with the following ICBs:

1. Action ICB: Seize

2. Action ICB: Use Instruction List

3. Data ICB: Stage 1 Digits (String1: ANI, String 2: MFR1 Called Party Address




Outbound - Taiwan MDR1 with ANI

To process this call without preprogrammed instructions, send a Route Control (or Outseize Control) message with the following ICBs:

Route Control message

1. Action ICB: Seize

2. Action ICB: Outpulse Stage 1 Digits

3. Action ICB: Scan For Wink 2

4. Outpulse Stage 2 Digits.

5. Action ICB: Send host ACK.

6. Action ICB: Wait for Host Control with Answer Supervision

7. Data ICB: Stage 1 Digits To Be Outpulsed (String1: KP Compelled MFR1.

8. Data ICB Stage 2 Digits to be outpulsed (String 1: MFRI (0x04) must use ST 1 as last signal.)

Outbound - Exchange Access International (EAI)

To process this call without preprogrammed instructions, send a Route Control (or Outseize Control) message with the following ICBs:

1. Action ICB: Seize

2. Action ICB: Outpulse Stage 1 Digits

3. Action ICB: Scan For Wink 2

4. Action ICB: Outpulse Stage 2 Digits

5. Action ICB: Scan For Wink 3

6. Action ICB: Send Host ACK

7. Action ICB: Wait for Host Control with Answer Supervision

8. Data ICB: Stage 1 Digits (String1: country routing information)

9. Data ICB: Stage 2 Digits (String 1: ANI, String 2: MFR1 Called Party Address)

To process this call using preprogrammed instructions with the Outseize Instructions List Configure message, the host first configures the channel with the following instruction list:

1. Outpulse Stage 1 Digits

2. Scan For Wink 2

3. Outpulse Stage 2 Digits

4. Scan For Wink 3

5. Send Host ACK

6. Wait for Host Control with Answer Supervision

Then send a Route Control message with the following ICBs:

1. Action ICB: Seize

2. Action ICB: Use Instruction List

3. Data ICB: Stage 1 Digits (String1: country routing information)

4. Data ICB: Stage 2 Digits (String 1: ANI, String 2: MFR1 Called Party Address)