Call Processing Event 0x002E

SwitchKit Name



EXS API and SwitchKit API message


The Excel platform uses this message to report a call processing event on a specified channel. The event to be reported is specified by the host in the messages that support the generation of call processing events.

Sent by

Excel platform

Resent in EXS API

This message is resent once after five seconds.

SwitchKit Code

C Structure

typedef struct {

UBYTE AddrInfo[30];

unsigned short Span;

UBYTE Channel;

UBYTE Event;

UBYTE Data[222];

} XL_CallProcessingEvent;

C++ Class

class XLC_CallProcessingEvent : public XLC_OneChannelMessage {


const UBYTE *getAddrInfo() const;

UBYTE *getAddrInfo();

void setAddrInfo(UBYTE *x);

XBYTE getConferenceID() const;

void setConferenceID(XBYTE x);

XBYTE getParentConferenceID() const;

void setParentConferenceID(XBYTE x);

XBYTE getChildConferenceID() const;

void setChildConferenceID(XBYTE x);

XBYTE getSpan() const;

void setSpan(XBYTE x);

UBYTE getChannel() const;

void setChannel(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getEvent() const;

void setEvent(UBYTE x);

const UBYTE *getData() const;

UBYTE *getData();

void setData(UBYTE *x);



Overview of message

The following table provides an overview of this message. The table following it, provides the detail for each byte.




Field Description


Field Description


Frame (0xFE)


Frame (0xFE)

1, 2

Length (0x00NN)

1, 2

Length (0x0005)

3, 4

Message Type (0x002E)

3, 4

Message Type (0x002E)


Reserved (0x00)


Reserved (0x00)


Sequence Number


Same Sequence Number


Logical Node ID


Logical Node ID


AIB (starting with byte 0)




Call Processing Event




Data (0)








Data (n)







EXS API Hex Format - Detailed




Field Description


Field Description


Frame (0xFE)


Frame (0xFE)

1, 2

Length (0x00NN)

1, 2

Length (0x0005)

3, 4

Message Type (0x002E)

3, 4

Message Type (0x002E)


Reserved (0x00)


Reserved (0x00)


Sequence Number


Same Sequence Number


Logical Node ID


Logical Node ID



Address Method

0x00 - Individual AEs



Number of AEs to follow


One of the following:

0x0D Channel

0x55 Conference ID

0x45 Child Conference ID


Call Processing Event

0x00* No Event (the specified event did not occur before the
Report Call Processing Event instruction was invoked)

0x01* ANI Request Off-hook

0x02 Digits

0x03* Wink 1

0x04* Wink 2

0x05* Wink 3

0x06* Wink 4

0x07* Wink 5

0x08* Wink 6

0x09* Wink 7

0x0A* Wink 8

0x0B* Dialtone Detected

0x0C Reserved

0x0D Backward R2 Signal

0x0E First Digit Report

0x0F PPL Event

0x10 Digit With Timing Information

0x11* Receive Idle

0x13* FAX Tone Detection

0x20* Answer

0x21* Tone Complete

0x22* Outpulsing Complete

0x23* Flash Detected

0x24* CPC Detected

0x25 Recorded Announcement Started

0x26 Recorded Announcement Complete

0x27* Timed-out waiting for energy

0x28 Energy Result Report

0x29* Coin Tone Detection Timeout

0x2A Coin Tone Detection Report

0x2B Play File Started

0x2C Play File Complete

0x2D Record File Started

0x2E Record File Complete

0x2F File Not Found

0x30 File Play Underrun

0x31 File Record Overrun

0x32 Record Initial Silence Timeout

0x33 Play File Queue Failure

0x34 Play File Stopped

0x35 Record File Stopped

0x40* DTMF Subscription Terminated (either by remote end or because of

subscription refresh failure.)

0x41 DSP Series 2 Fax Processing Events

0x42 Truly Silent Channel (PVD/AMD)

0x43 Voice Detect Rising Edge (PVD/AMD)

0x44 Voice Detect Falling Edge (PVD/AMD)

0x45 Long Term Voice Detect Rising Edge (PVD/AMD)

0x46 Long Term Voice Detect Falling Edge (PVD/AMD)

0x47 Tone Detect Rising Edge (PVD/AMD)



0x48 Tone Detect Falling Edge (PVD/AMD)

0x49 Echo Canceller Event (when a G.164 tone disabling event occurs on the near or

far end)




*Event includes no data for Data fields



These fields provide the specific information for each Event. The length and contents of the information depend on the Event. Some events contain no data.




Valid entries for this field are listed below by Call Processing Event field value.

0x02 Digits

Data[0] Number of Stages Reported

Data[1] Inpulsed Stage Number

Data[2] Inpulsed Stage Status

Data[3] Stage String Count

Data[4] String 1: Digit Count

Data[5] String 1: First BCD Encoded Digit Pair


Data[n] String 1: Last BCD Encoded Digit Pair

Data[n+1] String 2: First BCD Encoded Digit Pair


Data[m] String 2: Last BCD Encoded Digit Pair

Data[4–n] are repeated for each string reported.

Data[1–n] are repeated for each stage reported.



Stage Status

The system reports the stage status for each of the four stages. Timers can be configured.


Valid entries for this field are as follows:


0x10 Positive Acknowledgment - Digits received

0x80 Partial Dial Condition - Receive Inter-digit Duration timer expired

0x81 Permanent Signal Condition - Receive 1st Digit Detection timer expired

0x91 Inpulse Stage Not Collected - Stage not collected; no further stage information will
be reported.

0x92 Digit Complete Timeout



If the Call Processing Event message is in response to a DSP Service Request or Collect Digit String message, the Inpulsed Stage Number is 0xFF. When the digits are collected using a KP_ST framed digit string collection method, the KP_ST digits are not contained in the reported string.


0x0D Backward R2 Signal

Data[0] R2 Signal Value (0x01–0x0F)

0x0E First Digit Report

Data[0] DTMF/MFR1 Digit Value (0x00–0x0F)


0x0F PPL Event
Data[0] PPL Event Number (0x00–0xFF)

0x10 Digit with Timing Information. An asterisk (*) denotes a byte that is always set to "1"

Data[0] Number of Stages Reported *

Data[1] Inpulsed Stage Number

Data[2] Inpulsed Stage Status

Data[3] Stage String Count *

Data[4] Digit Count *

Data[5] BCD-encoded Digit

Data[6, 7] Digit Duration (in 10 ms units)


The Inpulsed Stage Number will be 0xFF if the Call Processing Event message is in response to a DSP Service Request or Collect Digit String message. The maximum time detected for digit duration is 26.35 seconds. When actual digit duration is greater than 26.35 seconds, it reports as 26.35 (0x0A4B) seconds. Only a DSP Service Request message request can result in the Call Processing Event of "Digit With Timing Information" being returned by the Excel platform.

0x25 Recorded Announcement Started

Data[0,1] ID of announcement being played (MSB, LSB)

0x26 Recorded Announcement Completed

Data[0,1] ID of announcement completed (MSB, LSB)

0x28 Energy Result Report

Data[0] Energy Result Flag

0x00 No Energy Detected

0x01 Energy Detected

Data[1,2] Duration of previous Energy Result in 10 ms units

0x2A Coin Tone Detection Report

Data[0,1] Value of coin detected, in cents

0x0005 5 cents (Nickel)

0x000A 10 cents (Dime)

0x0019 25 cents (Quarter)

0x0064 100 cents (Dollar)

0x2B Play File Started

Data[0-3] File ID (MSB, ... , ... , LSB)

Data[4-7] Offset (starting byte)

Data[8-10] Server ID

0x2C Play File Complete

Data[0-3] File ID (MSB, ... , ... , LSB)

Data[4-7] Offset (ending byte)

Data[8-10] Server ID

0x2D Record File Started

Data[0-3] File ID (MSB, ... , ... , LSB)

Data[4-7] Offset (starting byte)

Data[8-10] Server ID

0x2E Record File Complete

Data[0-3] File ID (MSB, ... , ... , LSB)

Data[4-7] Offset (ending byte)

Data[8-10] Server ID

0x2F File Not Found

Data[0-3] File ID (MSB, ... , ... , LSB)

0x30 File Play Underrun

Data[0-3] File ID (MSB, ... , ... , LSB)

0x31 File Record Overrun

Data[0-3] File ID (MSB, ... , ... , LSB)


0x32 Record Initial Silence Timeout

Data[0-3] File ID (MSB, ... , ... , LSB)

0x33 Play File Queue Failure

Data[0-3] File ID (MSB, ... , ... , LSB)

Data[4-7] Offset (starting byte)

Data[8-10] Server ID


0x34 Play File Stopped

Data[0-3] File ID (MSB, ... , ... , LSB)

Data[4-5] Stop Reason

0x0000 - Channel Released

0x0001 - Host Initiated Stop

Data[6-9] Duration of Play (seconds)

Data[10-12] Server ID


0x35 Record File Stopped

Data[0-3] File ID (MSB, ... , ... , LSB)

Data[4-5] Stop Reason

0x0000 - Channel Released

0x0001 - Host Initiated Stop

0x0002 - Out of File Space

0x0003 - NFS Write Error

Data[6-9] Duration of Record (seconds)

Data[10-12] Server ID


0x41 DSP Series 2 Fax Processing Events

Data[0, 1] Fax processing event code (see below)

Data[2, n] Fax processing event data

For Data[0, 1] Fax processing event code, above:


Phase A, B, C, D, or E:

9 Got CRC error in V.21 frame

15 Transmit V21 complete

29 ERR frame received

53 HS modem detected V21. Switch to receive V21

57 Unknown V21 frame received with correct CRC

60 CRP frame received


Phase A

62 Request the operator line



Phase B

6 DCS frame received

7 DIS frame received

8 DTC frame received

12 Switch to ECM mode

17 CFR frame received

18 CTC frame received

30 FTT frame received

47 Remote machine can receive detected

48 Remote machine can transmit detected

54 Receive training ended successfully

55 Receive training ended in failure

56 Transmit training ended

61 CTR frame received

66 Switch from ECM mode to Normal mode

67 Change mode after EOM



Phase C

0 Command to start receiving

1 Command to start transmitting

21 EOR frame received

22 EOR_EOM frame received

23 EOR_EOP frame received

24 EOR_MPS frame received

25 EOR_NULL frame received

26 EOR_PRI_EOM frame received

27 EOR_PRI_EOP frame received

28 EOR_PRI_MPS frame received

58 Start of image receive

64 ECM frames where detected in error

71 End of image transmit

72 Start of image transmit

74 Receive image operation complete

76 Go to point D in the T.30 flow chart

77 Got the 4th PPR

78 Decided to continue to correct after 4th PPR



Phase D

19 EOM frame received

20 EOP frame received

32 MCF frame received

33 MPS frame received

34 PIN frame received

35 PIP frame received

36 PPR frame received

37 PPS_EOM frame received

38 PPS_EOP frame received

39 PPS_MPS frame received

40 PPS_NULL frame received

41 PPR_PRI_EOM frame received

42 PPS_PRI_EOP frame received

43 PPS_PRI_MPS frame received

44 PRI_EOM frame received

45 PRI_EOP frame received

46 PRI_MPS frame received

49 RNR frame received

50 RR frame received

51 RTN frame received

52 RTP frame received

65 Receiver is not ready to continue

68 Got end of a page

69 Last document in the queue was processed



Phase E

5 DCN frame received

10 Go to B point in T.30 flow chart

31 Transition to C-point on T.30 flow charts

00FF FAX completed gracefully


Timer Event

3 Hardware failure timer expired

13 T1 timer expired

14 T4 timer expired

59 T2 timer expired (see T.30)

75 T3 timer expired

79 T5 timer expired


Data Pump

2 T.30 is ready to receive

4 T.30 is ready to transmit

16 Hardware close completed

81 V.21 receiver has started to send preamble

82 V.21 receiver has completed operation

83 V.21 transmitter has started to send preamble

84 V.21 transmitter has completed operation

85 High-speed receiver has started to send preamble

86 High-speed receiver has received TCF, no errors

87 High-speed receiver has received TCF with errors

88 High-speed transmitter has started to send TCF

89 High-speed transmitter has completed TCF

90 High-speed transmitter has started

91 High-speed transmitter has completed operation

92 High-speed receiver has started to send preamble

93 High-speed receiver has lost carrier

94 V21 Receive Frame

95 V21 Transmit Frame

98 V21 signal detected by the HS receiver

99 Modem subsystem ready to transmit

100 Modem subsystem ready to receive

101 Modem subsystem has stopped operations

121 Non-Standard facilities (NSF) frame sent or receive

122 Non-Standard facilities Set-up (NSS) frame sent or receive

123 Non-Standard facilities Command (NSC) frame sent or receive

12 4 Called Subscriber Identification (CSI) frame sent or receive

125 Transmitting Subscriber Identification ( TSI) frame sent or receive

12 6 Calling Subscriber Identification ( CIG) frame sent or receive

12 7 Selective Polling (SEP) frame sent or receive

12 8 Subaddress (SUB) frame sent or receive

12 9 Password ( PWD) frame sent or receive

13 0 Digital Identification Signal (DIS) frame sent or received

13 1 Digital Command Signal ( DCS) frame sent or receive


13 2 Digital Transmit Command (DTC) frame sent or receive

13 3 Continue To Correct (CTC) frame sent or receive

13 4 Partial Page Request ( PPR) frame sent or received

13 5 Partial Page Signal-NULL ( PPS-NULL) frame sent or receive

13 6 Partial Page Signal (PPS)-MPS frame sent or receive

13 7 Partial Page Signal (PPS)-EOM frame sent or receive

13 8 Partial Page Signal (PPS)-EOP frame sent or receive

13 9 PRI-PPS-MPS frame sent or receive

14 0 PRI-PPS-EOM frame sent or receive

14 1 PRI-PPS-EOP frame sent or receive

14 2 EOR-NULL frame sent or receive

14 3 EOR-MPS frame sent or receive

14 4 EOR-EOM frame sent or receive

14 5 EOR-EOP frame sent or receive

14 6 PRI-EOR-MPS frame receive

14 7 PRI-EOR-EOM frame sent or receive

14 8 PRI-EOR-EOP frame sent or receive

14 9 CRC error reported


0x42-0x48 (Positive Voice Detection/Answering Machine Detection (PVD/AMD))

Data[0-3] Calendar Time (seconds since Jan. 1, 1970)

Data[4, 5] Milliseconds Remainder

Data[6, 7] Milliseconds Since Last Event

Data[8, 9] Frequency Band Detected (Events 0x47 and 0x48 only)

