Card Status Report 0x00A6

SwitchKit Name



EXS API and SwitchKit API message


This message reports information about a card’s status. Because this message is defined differently for different card types, some fields listed below may not apply.

This message is sent to the host when the host sends the Card Status Query message or when a card is reset.

Sent by

Excel platform

Resent in EXS API

This message is resent once after five (5) seconds.

Example Message

The following example shows a trace of a Card Status Report message for a 4-span ST1LC card.

Header (bytes 0-9):

fe [00 51] [00 a6] 00 06 ff [00 00]

AIB (bytes 10-14):

00 01 01 01 01

Misc. Info. (bytes 15-27):

0c 12 0f 42 09 01 04 04 01 [02 16] [08 00]

Card Information (bytes 28-61):

00 08 / 0c 02 ff ff / 0c 02 ff ff / 0c 02 ff ff / 0c 02 ff ff / 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00

Hardware Configuration (bytes 62-77):

[00 00] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Misc. Info. (bytes 78-84):

0c 00 [00 00] 02 0e cs

SwitchKit Code

C Structure

typedef struct {

unsigned short Status;

UBYTE AddrInfo[30];

UBYTE CardType;

UBYTE CardStatus;

UBYTE ConfTestRslts;

UBYTE ArtRevision;

UBYTE FunctRevision;

UBYTE ROMMajorRevision;

UBYTE ROMMinorRevision;

UBYTE RAMMajorRevision;

UBYTE RAMMinorRevision;

unsigned short SerialNumber;

unsigned short RAMSize;

UBYTE CardSpecifics[384];

UBYTE HardwareConfig[16];



unsigned short ConfigTag;

UBYTE LineCardSpeed;

UBYTE SoftwareResetReason;

} XL_CardStatusReport;

C++ Class

class XLC_CardStatusReport : public XLC_InboundMessage {


unsigned short getStatus() const;

void setStatus(unsigned short x);

const UBYTE *getAddrInfo() const;

UBYTE *getAddrInfo();

void setAddrInfo(UBYTE *x);

UBYTE getSlot() const;

void setSlot(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getModule() const;;

void setModule(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getCardType() const;

void setCardType(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getCardStatus() const;

void setCardStatus(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getConfTestRslts() const;

void setConfTestRslts(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getArtRevision() const;

void setArtRevision(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getFunctRevision() const;

void setFunctRevision(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getROMMajorRevision() const;

void setROMMajorRevision(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getROMMinorRevision() const;

void setROMMinorRevision(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getRAMMajorRevision() const;

void setRAMMajorRevision(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getRAMMinorRevision() const;

void setRAMMinorRevision(UBYTE x);

unsigned short getSerialNumber() const;

void setSerialNumber(unsigned short x);

unsigned short getRAMSize() const;

void setRAMSize(unsigned short x);

const UBYTE *getCardSpecifics() const;

UBYTE *getCardSpecifics();

void setCardSpecifics(UBYTE *x);

const UBYTE *getHardwareConfig() const;

UBYTE *getHardwareConfig();

void setHardwareConfig(UBYTE *x);

UBYTE getCardID() const;

void setCardID(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getRAMBuildNum() const;

void setRAMBuildNum(UBYTE x);

unsigned short getConfigTag() const;

void setConfigTag(unsigned short x);

UBYTE getLineCardSpeed() const;

void setLineCardSpeed(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getSoftwareResetReason() const;

void setSoftwareResetReason(UBYTE x)

Overview of message

The following table provides an overview of this message. The table following it, provides the detail for each byte.




Field Description


Field Description


Frame (0xFE)


Frame (0xFE)

1, 2

Length (0xNNNN)

1, 2

Length (0x0005)

3, 4

Message Type (0x00A6)

3, 4

Message Type (0x00A6)


Reserved (0x00)


Reserved (0x00)


Sequence Number


Same Sequence Number


Logical Node ID


Logical Node ID

8, 9

Status MSB, LSB






Card Type




Card Status


Confidence Test Results


PC Artwork Revision


Functional Revision


ROM Major Revision


ROM Minor Revision


RAM Major Revision


RAM Minor Revision


Serial Number MSB, LSB






Card Information (Field length varies)


Hardware Configuration




Card ID


RAM Build Number


Configuration Tag MSB, LSB




CPU Speed


Software Reset Reason




EXS API Hex Format- Detailed




Field Description


Field Description


Frame (0xFE)


Frame (0xFE)

1, 2

Length (0xNNNN)

1, 2

Length (0x0005)

3, 4

Message Type (0x00A6)

3, 4

Message Type (0x00A6)


Reserved (0x00)


Reserved (0x00)


Sequence Number


Same Sequence Number


Logical Node ID


Logical Node ID

8, 9

Status MSB, LSB





Address Method

0x00 - Individual AEs


Number of AEs to follow


0x01 Slot


Card Type

0x00 8-Span ST1LC

0x0 1 4-Span ST1LC

0x03 MFDSP

0x0A SS7

0x0B SE1LC 4-Span

0x0C SE1LC 8-Span

0x0E SJ1LC 4-Span



0x14 DASS 2

0x15 DSP-ONE

0x16 T-ONE 8-Span

0x17 E-ONE 8-Span

0x18 T-ONE 16-Span

0x19 E-ONE 16-Span

0x1D J-ONE 8-Span

0x1E J-ONE 16-Span

0x1F DS3

0x33 Subrate Controller

0xE0 E-ONE 75 Ohm Redundant I/O

0xE1 T-ONE 100 Ohm Redundant I/O

0xE2 E-ONE 120 Ohm Redundant I/O

0xE3 E-ONE 75 Ohm Standby I/O

0xE4 T-ONE 100 Ohm Standby I/O

0xE5 E-ONE 120 Ohm Standby I/O

0xE8 SS7 Multi-Protocol I/O


0xF0 Power Supply Card

0xF5 EXNET Ring I/O

0xF6 Rear Fan Tray

0xF7 SS7 Redundant I/O


0xF8 Front Fan Tray

0xF9 ISDN Redundant I/O

0xFA Midplane

0xFE Dead Card: All subsequent data fields do not apply and all
other bytes in the message should be ignored.

0xFF Empty Slot: All subsequent data fields do not apply.




Card Status

This field is a bit mask that applies to the following cards:

Matrix Controller, T-ONE, E-ONE, J-ONE, DS3, EXNET-ONE, SS7-PQ, SS7 Series 3,


VDAC-ONE, IP Network Interface Series 2, IP Signaling Series 3




0–1 Reset Reason

0 Excel use only

1 Power-up

2 Excel use only

3 Reset button pushed

2–3 Card State

0 In service

1 The Excel platform has taken the card out of service

2 The host has taken the card out of service

3 The host has put the card in a standby state

4 Invalid battery-backed configuration data.
The host must reconfigure the card

5 Faults are logged

Faults may be obtained using a Fault Log Query message.
Obtain a Fault Log and report it to Excel Technical Support as
soon as possible.

6 Failed confidence tests. Information about the confidence test which failed is in the
"Confidence Test Results" field.

7 General hardware failure

The card is off-line and must be serviced.
For the ISDN PRI card, see the Hardware Configuration Field for additional



Fan Tray


0 Reserved

1 Fan 6 failed

2 Fan 5 failed

3 Fan 4 failed

4 Fan 3 failed

5 Fan 2 failed

6 Fan 1 failed

7 General hardware failure. The card is off-line and must be serviced.


Power Supply Card


0 Module 3 failed

1 Module 3 in tolerance

2 Module 2 failed

3 Module 2 in tolerance

4 Module 1 failed

5 Module 1 in tolerance

6 Out of Tolerance

7 General hardware failure. The card is off-line and must be serviced.

DS3, E1 and T1 Redundant and Standby I/O Cards


0–5 Reserved

6 Output Enabled

7 Relays Enabled (0=Normal, 1=Switchover)


Confidence Test Results
This field is bit-defined. It applies to the Matrix Controller cards and line cards.


0–5 Reserved

6 Bit set indicates RAM test failure

7 Bit set indicates ROM checksum failure


PC Artwork Revision
An ASCII character in the range "A" to "Z" (0x41–0x5B) that indicates
the revision level of the card’s Printed Circuit Artwork.


Functional Revision
The card’s functional revision level


ROM Major Revision

The major revision level of the firmware running on the card.


ROM Minor Revision

The minor revision level of the firmware running on the card.


RAM Major Revision
The major revision level of the system software running on the card.


RAM Minor Revision
The minor revision level of the system software running on the card.



Serial Number MSB, LSB

This two-byte field indicates the serial number of the card.


This two-byte field indicates the amount of RAM on the card, in 1K increments.
For the VDAC VoIP Card and VDAC VoIP Module, RAM is measured in 1 MB increments.







Card Information (Field length varies)


The card information, including the length of the field, varies per card type. The system uses the value 0x00 for fields that do not apply to the card or for all fields, if there is no card information.


IP Signaling Series 3 Card

No card specific or hardware specific information is sent for this card.


T-ONE, E-ONE, J-ONE, DS3, ST1LC, SE1LC, VDAC-ONE, IP Network Interface Series 2, and SS7 Multi-Protocol cards


The card information for these cards indicates the logical spans assigned to the card.

The logical spans are indicated in the Logical Span AIB (0x0C) as shown below. The
Excel platform uses the value 0xFF to indicate that no span has been assigned. An AIB for a
4-span line card has four address elements and the value 0x00 for the remaining bytes. An
AIB for an 8-span line card has eight address elements and the value 0x00 for the
remaining bytes.


Data[0] Address Method (0x00, Single Entity)

Data[1] Number of Address Elements (0x04, 0x08, 0x10, or 0x15; equal to number of spans)


Address Element 1: Span 0

Data[2] Address Type (0x0C, Logical Span)

Data[3] Data Length (0x02)

Data[4] Logical Span ID, MSB

Data[5] Logical Span ID, LSB


Address Element N: Span N

Data[...] Address Type (0x0C, Logical Span)

Data[...] Data Length (0x02)

Data[...] Logical Span ID, MSB

Data[...] Logical Span ID, LSB




The card information for the DSP-ONE cards indicates the function types for DSPs on all
SIMMs on the card. For more information on function types, refer to the "DSP SIMM Configure
0xC0" message.

Byte Function Type

Data[0] SIMM 0/DSP 0

Data[1] SIMM 0/DSP 1

Data[2] SIMM 0/DSP 2

Data[3] SIMM 0/DSP 3

Data[4] SIMM 1/DSP 0

Data[5] SIMM 1/DSP 1

Data[6] SIMM 1/DSP 2

Data[7] SIMM 1/DSP 3

Data[8] SIMM 2/DSP 0

Data[9] SIMM 2/DSP 1

Data[10] SIMM 2/DSP 2

Data[11] SIMM 2/DSP 3

Data[12] SIMM 3/DSP 0

Data[13] SIMM 3/DSP 1

Data[14] SIMM 3/DSP 2

Data[15] SIMM 3/DSP 3

Data[16–33] Reserved


DSP Series 2 Card

The card information for the DSP Series 2 Card indicates the function types for all DSPs on all
Modules on the card, because each DSP can do multiple configurations.

Byte Function Type

Data[0] Module 0 / DSP 0 / RCV 0

Data[1] Module 0 / DSP 0 / TXMT 0

Data[2] Module 0 / DSP 0 / RCV 1

Data[3] Module 0 / DSP 0 / TXMT 1

Data[4] Module 0 / DSP 1 / RCV 0

Data[5] Module 0 / DSP 1 / TXMT 0

Data[6] Module 0 / DSP 1 / RCV 1

Data[7] Module 0 / DSP 1 / TXMT 1

Data[8] Module 0 / DSP 2 / RCV 0

Data[9] Module 0 / DSP 2 / TXMT 0

Data[10] Module 0 / DSP 2 / RCV 1

Data[11] Module 0 / DSP 2 / TXMT 1

Data[12] Module 0 / DSP 3 / RCV 0

Data[13] Module 0 / DSP 3 / TXMT 0

Data[14] Module 0 / DSP 3 / RCV 1

Data[15] Module 0 / DSP 3 / TXMT 1

Data[16] Module 1 / DSP 0 / RCV 0

Data[17] Module 1 / DSP 0 / TXMT 0

Data[18] Module 1 / DSP 0 / RCV 1

Data[19] Module 1 / DSP 0 / TXMT 1

Data[20] Module 1 / DSP 1 / RCV 0

Data[21] Module 1 / DSP 1 / TXMT 0

Data[22] Module 1 / DSP 1 / RCV 1

Data[23] Module 1 / DSP 1 / TXMT 1

Data[24] Module 1 / DSP 2 / RCV 0

Data[25] Module 1 / DSP 2 / TXMT 0

Data[26] Module 1 / DSP 2 / RCV 1

Data[27] Module 1 / DSP 2 / TXMT 1

Data[28] Module 1 / DSP 3 / RCV 0

Data[29] Module 1 / DSP 3 / TXMT 0

Data[30] Module 1 / DSP 3 / RCV 1

Data[31] Module 1 / DSP 3 / TXMT 1

Data[32] Reserved

Data[33] Reserved


This card generates no special information for this field. All bytes are 0x00.

SS7 Card

Data[0] Maximum Configurable Links for card

Data[1] Slot Number of Active SS7 Card (see Note)

Data[2] Slot Number of Secondary SS7 Card in Redundant Pair (see Note)

Data[3] Stack ID

Data[4] Stack ID

Data[5] Stack ID

Data[6] Stack ID

Data[7–15] Reserved

Do not try to determine the redundancy status from bytes Data[1] and Data[2].
To determine the redundancy status, use the CCS Redundancy Query message.



Redundant I/O and Standby I/O

A Slot AIB indicates the slot number of the other I/O (Standby I/O or Redundant I/O)
involved in a switchover.


SS7 Multi-Protocol I/O Card

0x0C Logical Span AIB


PCI H.100 Card

The card information fields depend upon on H.100 bus clock speed and the number of spans per channel.

4MHz and 24 channels per span display 21 span entries

4MHz and 32 channels per span display 16 span entries

8MHz and 24 channels per span display 80 span entries

8MHz and 32 channels per span display 64 span entries



Hardware Configuration (16 bytes)
This 16-byte field describes the hardware configuration of the card specified.
This field applies to only the cards described below.

DS3 cards

Data[0] Number of Spans Supported:

0x18 24 Spans

0x1C 28 Spans


Data[1] DS3 Offset Framer Status

Bit 0 - DS3 Offset 0 Framer Status

0 - Out of Service

1 - In Service (default)

Bit [1-7] Reserved


Data [2-13] Reserved


Data[14] Hardware Switch 1 Settings (also refer to the Hardware Product Descriptions)

(the right-most bit is dip 1)

Data[15] Total Available Spans


ST1LC and SE1LC cards

Data[0] Informs the host of primary and secondary loop timing clock sources
configured on the card.

Bits 0-2 If secondary loop timing is enabled, this field contains the offset
of the span for which it is enabled.

Bit 3 Secondary Loop timing

0 Disabled

1 Enabled

Bit 4-6 If primary loop timing is enabled, this field contains the offset
of the span for which it is enabled.

Bit 7 Primary Loop timing

0 Disabled

1 Enabled

Data[1-15] Reserved


T-ONE, E-ONE, J-ONE cards

Data 0–3 informs the host of primary and secondary loop
timing clock sources configured on the card

Data[0] Primary Loop Timing

0 Not Enabled

1 Enabled

Data[1] If Primary Loop Timing is enabled, this field contains the span offset of the span
for which it is enabled.

Data[2] Secondary Loop Timing

0 Not enabled

1 Enabled

Data[3] If Secondary Loop Timing is enabled, this field contains the span offset
of the span for which it is enabled.

Data[4–13] Reserved

Data[14] Hardware Switch 1 Settings (also refer to the Hardware Product Descriptions)

(the right-most bit is dip 1)

Data[15] Total Available Spans



MFDSP and DSP-ONE cards

This field informs the host of the number and types of DSP SIMMs installed on the card.

Data[0] Number of DSP SIMMs installed on the card

Data[1] Reserved

Data[2] SIMM 0 Type
0x00 C31 SIMM


0x03 No SIMM installed

Data[3] SIMM 1 Type
0x00 C31 SIMM


0x03 No SIMM installed

Data[4] SIMM 2 Type
0x00 C31 SIMM


0x03 No SIMM installed

Data[5] SIMM 3 Type
0x00 C31 SIMM


0x03 No SIMM installed


Data 6-9: SIMM State 0 - SIMM State 3

0x00 In Service

0x01 Out of Service (or No SIMM Installed)

Data[6] SIMM 0 State

Data[7] SIMM 1 State

Data[8] SIMM 2 State

Data[9] SIMM 3 State

Data[10–15] Reserved



DSP Series 2 Card

This field informs the host of the number and types of DSP Modules installed on the card.

Data[0] Number of Modules installed on the card

Data[1] Reserved

Data[2] Module 0 Type

0x6C DSP 2 Module

0x03 No Module installed

Data[3] Module 1 Type

0x6C DSP 2 Module

0x03 No Module installed

Data[4, 5] Reserved

Data 6-13: DSP Chip States

0x00 In Service

0x01 Out of Service (or No Module Installed)

Data[6] Module 0 / Chip 0 State

Data[7] Module 0 / Chip 1 State

Data[8] Module 0 / Chip 2 State

Data[9] Module 0 / Chip 3 State

Data[10] Module 1 / Chip 0 State

Data[11] Module 1 / Chip 1 State

Data[12] Module 1 / Chip 2 State

Data[13] Module 1 / Chip 3 State





Data[0] Munich Chip Count

Data[1-15] Reserved




Data[0–3] Informs host of primary and secondary loop timing clock sources configured from
ring timing on the card. For EXNET-ONE cards configured as a Single Ring Redundancy
Standby, the Loop Timing fields are always disabled.

Data[0] Primary Loop Timing

0x00 Not Enabled

0x01 Enabled

Data[1] Reserved

Data[2] Secondary Loop Timing

0x00 Not Enabled

0x01 Enabled

Data[3] Reserved

SS7 cards

The system does not report hardware configuration information for these cards.
All bytes are 0x00.


SS7 Multi-Protocol I/O card

Data[0] Channel 0 Data Rate

0x00 64 Kbps

0x01 56 Kbps, for non-V.35 applications

0x80 V.35, 56 Kbps

0x81 48 Kbps, for non-V.35 applications

0xC0 V.35, 48 Kbps


Data[1] Channel 0 Electrical Interface

0x00 V.35, DTE
0x01 V.35, DCE

Data[2] Channel 1 Data Rate (same possibilities as Channel 0, above)

Data[3] Channel 1 Electrical Interface (same possibilities as Channel 0, above)

Data[4] Channel 2 Data Rate (same possibilities as Channel 0, above)

Data[5] Channel 2 Electrical Interface (same possibilities as Channel 0, above)

Data[6] Channel 3 Data Rate (same possibilities as Channel 0, above)

Data[7] Channel 3 Electrical Interface (same possibilities as Channel 0, above)


Data[0] Number of VoIP Modules (1 - 4)

Data[1] Number of channels supported (MSB)

Data[2] Number of channels supported (LSB)

Data[3] Installed VoIP Modules (Bit Field):

Bit 0 VoIP Module 0 (0 = not installed, 1 = installed)

Bit 1 VoIP Module 1 (0 = not installed, 1 = installed)

Bit 2 VoIP Module 2 (0 = not installed, 1 = installed)

Bit 3 VoIP Module 3 (0 = not installed, 1 = installed)

Data[4] Module 0 state (0x05=ready, other values=not ready)

Data[5] Module 1 state (0x05=ready, other values=not ready)

Data[6] Module 2 state (0x05=ready, other values=not ready)

Data[7] Module 2 state (0x05=ready, other values=not ready)

Data[8] Port Consumption Mode
1 Reserved
2 Port-Consuming

Data[9-15] Reserved (should be zero)


VDAC VoIP Module

Data[0] Total number of channels supported on the module

Data[1] Number of channels supported for DSP 0

Data[2] Number of channels supported for DSP 1

Data[3] Number of channels supported for DSP 2

Data[4] Number of channels supported for DSP 3

Data[5] Number of channels supported for DSP 4

Data[6] Number of channels supported for DSP 5

Data[7] Number of channels supported for DSP 6

Data[8] Number of channels supported for DSP 7

Data[9-15] Reserved (should be zero)


IP Network Interface Series 2 card

Data[0] Number of VoIP Modules (0 - 2)

Data[1] Number of channels supported (MSB)

Data[2] Number of channels supported (LSB)

Data[3] Installed VoIP Modules (Bit Field):

Bit 0 VoIP Module 0 (0 = not installed, 1 = installed)

Bit 1 VoIP Module 1 (0 = not installed, 1 = installed)

Bit 2 VoIP Module 2 (0 = not installed, 1 = installed)


Note that for Data 4 - 6 each module can be in one of the following states:
0x02 - Not Present, 0x05 - In Service, 0x06 - Out of Service, and 0x08 - Failed

Data[4] Module 0 State

Data[5] Module 1 State

Data[6] Module 2 State


Note that for Data 7 - 9, each module can be for one of the following IP resource profiles:

0x01 - G.711 Only (16 spans per module)

0x02 - G.711 + G.723.1 + G.729 + T.38 (8 spans per module)

0x0F - Not applicable (For example, module is not present)

Data[7] Module 0 Profile

Data[8] Module 1 Profile

Data[9] Module 2 Profile


Data[10] Port Consumption Mode
1 = Non Port-Consuming
2 = Port-Consuming





Data[11] Main board dip switch settings (bit mask) (first value is default)

Bit 0 - Debug 1 Mode (ON - printing disabled, OFF - printing enabled)

Bit 1- Reserved (ON)

Bit 2 - Debug 2 Mode (ON - disabled, OFF - disabled)

Bit 3 - Ethernet Link Mode (ON - Auto-Negotiate,
OFF-Force 100 Mbps/Full Duplex)

Bit 4 - Reserved (ON)

Bit 5 - Reserved (ON)

Bit 6 - Reserved (OFF)

Bit 7 - Reserved (OFF)

Each bit maps to the physical dip switch as follows:


bit 0 maps to dip switch 1
bit 1 maps to dip switch 2
bit 2 maps to dip switch 3
bit 3 maps to dip switch 4
bit 4 maps to dip switch 5
bit 5 maps to dip switch 6
bit 6 maps to dip switch 7
bit 7 maps to dip switch 8

Data[11-15] Reserved (Set to 0)



EXNET Connect PCI H.100 Card

The system reports 3 bytes of configuration information from the EXNET Connect.


Byte 0: Primary Loop Timing

0x00 Not Enabled

0x01 Enabled


Byte 1: H.100 Bus Clock Master Status

0x00 Slave (H.100 bus clock A)

0x01 Primary Master driving clock A

0x02 Secondary Master driving clock A

0x03 Slave (H.100 bus clock B)

0x04 Primary Master driving clock B

0x05 Secondary Master driving clock B


Byte2: H.100 Bus Clock Speed

0x00 4MHz (SCbus compatibility mode)

0x02 8MHz (H.100 mode)



IP Network Interface Series 2 card Module

Data[0] Total number of channels supported for the module (MSB)

Data[1] Total number of channels supported for the module (LSB)

Data[2] Module State

Data[3] Module Profile

Data[4] Bitmap of installed DSPs on a VoIP module (1 - Installed)

Data[5] Bitmap of available DSPs on a VoIP module (1 - available)

Data[6] Number of channels per available DSP

Data[7] MII Bridge FPGA Version

Data[8 - 15] Reserved (Set to 0)


Card ID
This field contains additional information about identification for the card.


RAM Build Number
This field indicates the application build number of the system software.


Configuration Tag MSB, LSB

The configuration tag number assigned by the Tag Configuration message.



CPU Speed

This field applies to cards other than Matrix Controllers. If the system is reporting on a
Matrix Controller card, this field is not included in the report.

0x00 16 Mhz

0x01 16 Mhz

0x02 20 Mhz

0x03 20 Mhz

0x04 25 Mhz

0x05 50 Mhz

0x08 66 Mhz

0x09 83 Mhz

0x0A 100 Mhz


Software Reset Reason

This field is reserved for Excel use only (it applies to cards other than matrix cards. For
example, if the system is reporting on a Matrix Controller card, this field is not included in
the report).

