Recorded Announcement Single Delete 0x0117

SwitchKit Name



EXS API and SwitchKit API message


This message deletes a single Recorded Announcement (RAN), provided that the VRAS SIMM’s Flash File System has been upgraded to revision 1 (0x0001). For example, deleting RAN ID 0x0001 on VRAS SIMM 0x02, Slot 0x00 deletes any instance of RAN ID 0x0001 stored on the DSP-ONE card in Slot 0x00, SIMM 0x02. But all other instances of RAN ID 0x0001 stored on a different DSP-ONE card, or on a different VRAS SIMM on the same card, remain unchanged.

This message can also be used just as the older message Recorded Announcement Delete (0x54) was used--to delete the VRA SIMM’s entire Flash memory.

The host should wait for an Alarm message of "Single RAN Deleted on SIMM" or "VRAS Erase Complete" before performing another deletion or download of a RAN. This message may be sent to an In Service or Out of Service VRAS SIMM.

This message provides the following wildcards:

Set the RAN ID field to 0xFFFF to delete all RANs on a Slot and VRAS SIMM (erase the VRAS SIMM’s entire Flash memory). You must set the RAN ID to 0xFFFF if you are using the MFDSP card or you are using the DSP-ONE card with the older Flash File System, revision 0 (0x0000). When the RAN ID is 0xFFFF, a forced deletion is always performed (even currently-playing RANs are deleted).

Set the VRAS SIMM field of the AIB to 0xFF to delete all instances of a RAN on all VRAS SIMMs.

Set the Slot field of the AIB to 0xFF to delete all instances of a RAN on all slots.

You can combine the wildcards. For example, combining RAN ID 0xFFFF, VRAS SIMM 0xFF, and Slot 0xFF deletes all RANs stored on all VRAS SIMMs on all of the DSP cards (slots) in the chassis.

The Forced Flag field indicates whether the host deletes the RAN forcefully or gracefully. A forced RAN deletion cancels even currently-playing instances of that RAN. The forced deletion also cancels the playing of a RAN chain that needs the RAN ID on the DSP-ONE card. When the RAN ID is the wildcard (0xFFFF) a forced deletion is always performed.

A graceful RAN deletion is NACKed (and the RAN is not deleted) if the RAN is currently playing in Barge In mode, or if the RAN is needed for a current RAN chain or for a queued play request. If the RAN is currently playing, it is deleted only after it has finished playing. The graceful deletion is for single RAN IDs only.

Sent by


SwitchKit Code

C Structure

typedef struct {



UBYTE reserved19[28];

unsigned short ID;

UBYTE Reserved1;

UBYTE Reserved2;

UBYTE ForcedFlag;

UBYTE reserved52[218];

} XL_RecAnnSingleDelete;

C++ Class

class XLC_RecAnnSingleDelete : public XLC_OutboundMessage {


UBYTE getSlot() const;

void setSlot(UBYTE x); }

UBYTE getSIMM() const;

void setSIMM(UBYTE x);

unsigned short getID() const;

void setID(unsigned short x);

UBYTE getReserved1() const;

void setReserved1(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getReserved2() const;

void setReserved2(UBYTE x);

UBYTE getForcedFlag() const;

void setForcedFlag(UBYTE x);




EXS API Hex Format




Field Description


Field Description


Frame (0xFE)


Frame (0xFE)

1, 2

Length (0x000F)

1, 2

Length (0x0007)

3, 4

Message Type (0x0117)

3, 4

Message Type (0x0117)


Reserved (0x00)


Reserved (0x00)


Sequence Number


Same Sequence Number


Logical Node ID


Logical Node ID




Address Method

0x00 - Individual AEs

8, 9

Status (MSB, LSB)


(0x000B) File System Conversion in
Trying to perform a VRAS
function while the Flash memory
on the VRAS SIMM is in the
process of file system


(0x000C) Defrag in Progress
Trying to perform a VRAS
function while the flash memory
on the VRAS SIMM is in the
process of defragmentation.


(0x000D) Deletion Already in Progress
Deletion of a single RAN ID has
been requested for a RAN that
is currently being deleted.

(0x000E) Invalid RAN File System

The Flash Memory File System
does not support Single
Message Deletion. Convert to
the new file system with the API
message, Recorded
Announcement File System


(0x000F) Graceful RAN Delete Denied
The RAN ID cannot be deleted
gracefully, because it is being
played in barge-in mode or it is
needed for a pending play on
this DSP-ONE card.

Number of AEs to follow



(14, 15)


ID of the RAN to be deleted. To delete all RANs on the flash memory of this VRAS SIMM, use 0xFFFF.

16, 17

Reserved (0x0000)


Forced Flag

Valid only if deleting a Single RAN.

0x00 Graceful

0x01 Forceful


Note: The forced request stops any playing of the RAN from the VRAS SIMM and then deletes the RAN.

The graceful request allows any instance of the RAN playing from the VRAS SIMM to finish first, then deletes the RAN. The graceful delete request is NACKed if the DSP-ONE is playing a RAN in Barge-In mode, playing a chain that needs the RAN and this is the only VRAS SIMM on the DSP-ONE card that contains the RAN, or if there are currently requests waiting for a resource to play the RAN on this VRAS SIMM.



