Voice over IP (VoIP) Enhancements

Call-ID Reporting for Outbound SIP Calls

This feature allows host developers to solicit Call-ID information for outbound SIP calls.

The SIP Call-ID is a globally unique session identifier that you can use for several purposes, including call logging and billing correlation.

The Excel SIP software reports Call-ID information for inbound calls. With this feature, the same capability is provided for outbound calls.

Refer to Call-ID Reporting for Outbound SIP Calls calls in Chapter 4, SIP Software in the Developer’s Guide: IP.

Codec List in SIP and CSP-Initiated Offers

The SIP and H.323 software is enhanced to communicate a list of codecs in outbound SIP and H.323 offers.


Typically, an offer for establishing a media stream consists of a prioritized list of codecs that the originating end-point is willing to support, and an ‘answer’ consists of one codec from within that list that the receiving end-point agrees to support as well. This feature eliminates the limitation that the originating end-point is expected to know the exact codec the receiving end-point will accept.

Refer to following:

Codec List in SIP-Initiated Offer in the Chapter 4, SIP Software in the CSP Developer’s Guide: IP.

Codec List in H.323-Initiated Offers in the Chapter 8, H.323 Software in the CSP Developer’s Guide: IP.

Host Controlled SIP Registration Failure Response Code

This feature allows host application developers to control the SIP response code when the CSP rejects incoming registration requests.

Prior to the release of this feature, the SIP stack sent the hard-coded 503 response code when rejecting an incoming registration.

Refer to Host Controlled SIP Registration Failure Response Code in the SIP chapter in the Chapter 4, SIP Software in the CSP Developer’s Guide: IP.

CNAME Support for VDAC/IPN-2

The CNAME field is supported for the IPN-2 and VDAC-ONE cards. The CNAME field will automatically be populated at channel configuration time and included in the RTCP Sender Report. The CNAME field is not configurable.

The data used for the CNAME field is comprised solely of the ASCII character formats for the VDAC/IP module’s source IP address (15 bytes) and source UDP (RTP) port number (5 bytes) for a specific RTP voice session, separated by an ASCII "colon" (":") character (1 byte).

You can use an Ethernet trace program to capture and analyze RTCP packets.


Force 100Mb Connection on IP Network Interface Series 2 (IPN-2) Card

This feature allows the IP Network Interface Series 2 Card to be forced into using a 100 Mb connection by setting a DIP switch on the card. Prior to this release, the default behavior was to auto-negotiate between 10 Mb and 100 Mb connections.

Refer to Auto-Negotiate Mode vs. Full-Duplex Mode in the IP Network Interface Series 3 Card chapter in the Developer’s Guide: IP.