You are here: Hardware Installation and Maintenance > A Industry Compliance > NEBS Compliance
Network Equipment Building System (NEBS), Level 3
The CSP 2090, CSP 2110 and CSP 2040 chassis and most line cards and I/Os have been tested and found to comply with all applicable NEBS criteria listed in GR-1089-CORE and GR-63-CORE. Refer to Excel personnel for exact board listings. These criteria include the following:
System-level electrostatic discharge (ESD)
Electromagnetic interference (EMI)
Radiated emissions
Conducted emissions
Radiated immunity
Conducted immunity
Intrabuilding lighting
Electrical safety
Bonding and grounding
Fire resistance
Earthquake and office vibration (ZONE 4)
Important! In earthquake zone 4, all cabinet doors must be locked.
Transportation and handling
Airborne Contaminants
Short Circuit Test