Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration Samples


This section contains sample messages for configuring Global Title Translation (GTT). (These samples are easier to read in the PDF format of this document rather than the web-based format.)

Using these sample messages

The description for the TLVs precede each group of samples. The different options that you can select with each Tag Length Value (TLV) are included in the sample messages.

API Messages

Refer to the following two EXS API messages in the API Reference for for details on configuring GTT.

SS7 SCCP/TCAP Configure (0x0077)

SS7 SCCP/TCAP Query (0x0078)

Adding Groups

Use the following TLV to add Global Title Groups.

Table 6-1 Add Global Title Group TLV 0x09CA



0, 1

Tag 0x09CA Add Global Title Group


Length 0x0009


Value[0] 0-127 Group ID (GID)


Value[1] Global Title Indicator (GTI)

1-4 for ITU

1-2 for ANSI


Value [2] Translation Type (TT)

0-255 ( 0 = Default)


Value [3] Numbering Plan (NP)

0-15 ( 0 = Default)


Value [4] Nature of Address Indicator (NAI)

1-127 ( 0 = Default)


Value [5] Minimum Digits ( 1-24) (MIN)

The minimum number of digits that the GT entry of this group
will contain. Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to
the Maximum Digits field.


Value [6] Maximum Digits ( 1-24) (MAX)

The maximum number of digits that the GT entry of this
group will contain. Must be less than 24 and greater than or
equal to the Minimum Digits field.


Value [7] Group Attribute (ATT)

Bit 0 Maximum match

0 = Use minimum match rule for this group

1 = Use maximum match rule (also known as best
match rule) for this group.

Bit 1 Calling Party Address (CGPA) treatment

0 = Calling Party address will not be changed when the Global
Title Global Title translation results in "Route on GT."

1 = Calling Party address is changed when GT translation
results in "Route on GT." The new calling party address is

stored in SSN default parameter table.

The CGPA bit will not take effect for connection oriented

Bit 2 ANSI TT4 (Translation Type 4)

0 = Not TT4 type

1 = TT4 type

If this bit is set, no GT entry can be added

into this group.

Bit 3 Remove GT

0 = Do not remove GT after a successful
1 = Remove GT after a successful



Reserved for future use. (REV)

Sample 1

The Group Attribute 08 indicates use the Minimum Match Rule and Remove the GT after Translation.


Sample 2

The Group Attribute 00 indicates use the Minimum Match Rule and Do Not Remove GT after Translation.


Sample 3

The Group Attribute 09 indicates use the Maximum Match rule and Remove GT after Translation.


Sample 4

The Group Attribute 01 indicates use the Maximum Match Rule and Do Not Remove GT after Translation.


Important! The index table is rebuilt automatically for the GT Group operation (Add/Delete).


Deleting Groups

Use the following TLV to delete groups identified by the Global Title Indicator, Translation Tile, Numbering Plan, and Nature of Address Indicator.

Table 6-2 Delete Global Title Group TLV 0x09CB



0, 1

Tag 0x09CB Delete Global Title Group


Length 0x0006


Value[0] Group ID (GID)



Value [1] Global Title Indicator (GTI)



Value [2] Translation Type (TT)

0-255 ( 0- Default)


Value [3] Numbering Plan (NP)

0-15 ( 0 - Default)


Value [4] Nature of Address Indicator (NAI)

1-127 ( 0 - Default)


Reserved for future use. (REV)

The sample below deletes four groups: 00 to 03.

Important! The index table is rebuilt automatically.



Adding GT Entries

Use the following TLV to add Global Title Entries.

Table 6-3 Add Global Title Entry TLV 0x09CC



0, 1

Tag 0x09CC Add Global Title Entry

2, 3

Length Variable


Value[0] Group ID (GID)



Value [1] Entry Attribute

Bit 0 - Wild Card bit

0 - Non Wild Card GT

1 - Wild Card GT

Bits 1-7 Not Used.


Reserved for future use.


Value [2] Global Title Address Information Length (LEN)

1-24 digits


Value [3-n] Global Title Address Information (GTAI)

See API Reference for format.


Value [n] Translation Result Option

00 - Single translation result

01 - Double translation results, working in Active
Standby Mode

02 - Double translation results, working in Load
Sharing Mode


Value [n] Translation Result 1

See in the API Reference for format.

Sample 1

The following values apply to the sample below:

Entry Attribute: Non wild card entry

Translation result format: RI+PC+SSN
(RI=Routing Indicator, PC=Point Code,
SSN=Subsystem Number)

RI= Route on DPC/SSN



Sample 2

The following values apply to the sample below:

Entry Attribute: Wild card entry

Translation result format: RI+PC+SSN

RI= Route on DPC/SSN





Sample 3

The following values apply to the sample below:

Entry Attribute: Non wild card entry

Translation result format: RI+PC+GT

RI= Route on GT


Sample 4

The following values apply to the sample below:

Entry Attribute: Non wild card entry

Translation result format: RI+PC

RI= Route on GT


Sample 5

The following values apply to the sample below:

Entry Attribute: Non wild card entry

Translation result format: RI+PC+SSN+GT

RI= Route on DPC/SSN


Deleting GT Entries

Use the following TLV to delete the GT entries indicated by the Group ID, GT Attribute, Global Title Address Information (GTAI) Length, and GTAI.

Table 6-4 Delete Global Title Entry TLV 0x09CD



0, 1

Tag 0x09CD Delete Global Title Entry

2, 3

Length Variable


Value[0] Group ID


Already configured.


Value [1] Entry Attribute

Bit 0 - Wild Card bit

0 = Non Wild Card GT

1 = Wild Card GT


Bits 1-7 Not Used.


Reserved for future use.


Value [2] Global Title Address Information Length (LEN)

1-16 digits


Value [n] Global Title Address Information (GTAI)


The sample below deletes five GT entries in GT Group 2.



Building the Index Table

Use this TLV to build the index table which brings the new GT entries into service and takes the deleted GT entries out of service.

Table 6-5 Build Index Table TLV 0x09CE



0, 1

Tag 0x09CE Build Index Table

2, 3

Length 0x0001


Value[0] Bit 1 - 1=Build Index