V5.2 Call Processing


Using the API messages only, the CSP supports V5 interface management protocols, and facilitates flexible call processing.

At configuration time, by using the Subscriber ID ICB, which uniquely identifies each subscriber, the host sets up Subscriber IDs by pairing a user port with a V5 ID.

To uniquely identify the source of a call, the CSP checks the status of the V5 Subscriber ID ICB for idle, busy, and blocked states. In the incoming call report, the Request for Service with Data message, the AIB is Expanded Span, Channel (0x0D). The V5 Subscriber ID ICB tells the host who the caller is, and the new V5 Formatted Data ICB carries the Information Elements (IEs) for the L3P PSTN protocol.

The Route Control API message is used for outgoing calls. The host must send the V5 Subscriber ID ICB for the destination subscriber. The physical timeslot is allocated dynamically, either through Layer 4 (for the LE) or from the LE (if the switch is acting as the AN). Only the LE selects the physical timeslot for V5.2. The Route Control response contains the selected logical span, channel. The host never selects the logical span, channel using V5.2. Whether it’s the destination or Layer 4, the host will be told about only the channels that are used for the V5 side of the call. Span, channel selection occur conventionally, unless you use Excel’s Call Control. Consistent with current applications, all call processing messages, including Park Channel, Connect, and Connect to Conference, use the Logical Span, Channel AIB (0x0D).

Important! This release of V5.2 supports LE only.

Important! AN is not supported for V5.2. Any text or illustrations (for example, call flows) indicating the AN side is for clarification purposes only.

Sample Call Flows

This section presents diagrams that illustrate typical call flows.

LE Side: Normal incoming call with subscriber release

LE side: Outgoing call to AN with LE initiating on-hook


LE Side: Outgoing call to subscriber with LE initiating on-hook, but subscriber never hangs up

LE Side: Outgoing call with failed allocation

LE Side: Glare with incoming call having priority

LE Side: Normal call clearing initiated by subscriber with timeslot deallocation options

LE Side: Normal call clearing initiated by the LE side with timeslot deallocation options


LE Side: Incoming call. AN releases before channel allocation

LE Side: Incoming call. Digits received before channel allocation

LE Side: Outgoing call. Cleared locally before allocation complete


LE Side: Outgoing call with Layer 4-initiated PURGE


LE Side: Incoming call with Layer 3-initiated PURGE

LE Side: Outgoing call with received Link Dead
* Message sent for all channels on link
**Message sent for all active calls on link


LE Side: Outgoing call with a received Link Blocking (Non-deferred)
* These messages are sent for all channels on link
**These messages are sent for all active calls on link



LE Side: Outgoing call with a received Link Blocking (Deferred)
*Messages sent on all channels on link



Startup with secondary link alive and primary still not up or dead



Startup with PPL Config. Byte #4 set to 0 (zero)



Startup with PPL Config. Byte #4 set to 1


Startup with PPL Config. Byte #4 set to 2



Received Link Alive while in Alive State

Delete Interface


Delete Interface Forced


Received Add Link message from CFG


Remove Link


Add User Ports


Remove User Ports


Received User Port Block request from Layer 3


Received User Port Unblock request from Layer 3


Received User Port Block request from host


User Port Deferred Block request


Received user Port Unblock request from host


User Port Unblock request from System Management


Link Block request from System Management


Non-Deferred Link Block request


Link Block Indication


Deferred Link Block request


Received Link Blocked request from host


Non-Deferred Link Block request from host


Link Unblock Indication from System Management


Link Unblock request from System Management


Link Unblock request from host


V5 Statistics Query from host, Case 1:

Statistics Query for PSTN, BCC, CONTROL, PROTECTION, LINK Protocols and System Management


V5 Statistics Query from host, Case 2:

Statistics Query for Envelope Layer


V5 Statistics Query, Case 3:

Statistics Query for LAPV


Received Link Status Query


C Channel Status query


V5 Interface Status query


User Port Status request


V5 Interface Restart request


Switchover request from host


Switchover request from System Management


Startup failed and PPL Config. Byte 3 set to 0 (zero)


Startup failed and PPL Config. Byte 3 set to 1 (one)


Link Dead


Switchover fail received from System Management, Case 1:

Both C Channels dead


Switchover fail received from System Management, Case 2:

One C Channel is blocked, and the other C Channel is dead