Electromagnetic Interference

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is a type of radiation that can hinder your system. Keep the following in mind when selecting cables:

Shielded cable prevents outside electrical interference and drains off current induced by lightning.

Twisted wire reduces induction, and thus interference, from one wire to the other. Varying the length of twists reduces the potential for signal interference between pairs.

Twisted pair wiring is available in various thicknesses. Thicker cable covers longer distances and provides better sound quality but it is more expensive.

Channel Service Units

A Channel Service Unit (CSU) connects a digital phone line (T1, E1, J1) from the phone company to a digital communications device. CSUs are required between line cards and the network to provide necessary linking capabilities such as:

Line conditioning for long haul transmissions

Remote loopback


Regeneration and monitoring of digital signals

Digital circuit testing

Protection from outside lines

Surge Protection

Excel recommends installing a surge protector between your call processing system and the power outlet. If a high voltage surge occurs on the power line, this device protects your system by sending the overload to ground.

Electrostatic Discharge Protection

Electrostatic Discharge Protection (EDP) must always be used. Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) protective straps, shoes, or mats must be used when working with CSP components.

Electrostatic discharge from your body can damage integrated circuits.