Connecting To Voice Recorded Announcements

After an announcement is stored on a VRA SIMM, the host issues the Recorded Announcement Connect message (0x0055) and specifies the announcement’s ID, as well as the span and channel to receive the announcement.

On the DSP-ONE card, each logical VRA SIMM can output to 55 channels simultaneously, which could mean 55 instances of the same announcement, 55 different announcements, or any combination of these. If the same announcement is stored on two logical SIMMs, for example, it can play to 110 channels simultaneously.

If the Excel platform receives requests for VRA resources that exceed the system’s configuration, the requests are queued, then serviced when resources become available. When a request is queued to hear a specific message, the message is played as soon as the resource is available.

Barge-In Feature

The Barge-in feature lets an announcement repeat continually, as long as at least one channel is connected to it. Other channels requesting the announcement are allowed to connect ("barge in") to the playing announcement at any time. You enable the Barge-In feature with the Configuration Flag field in the Recorded Announcement Connect message (0x0055)message. If you are using Play File messages with the DSP2 card, you enable the Barge-In feature with the Barge in TLV.