

The DSP Series 2 offers a comprehensive set of features to support media processing and management for CSP-based solutions. Highlights include:

Announcement Processing

The system supports NFS based announcements, with on-board cache for voice file storage. Multiple NFS servers can be supported; the system manages the location of files through an ASCII file.

Dynamic Voice Recording and Playback

DSP Series 2 supports on-board temporary recording storage as well as external disk-based long term storage.

High Density Tone Receivers

Depending on the receiver type, the system supports up to 512 tone receivers per DSP.

Large Conferencing Capability

The system supports up to 256 conferees per DSP, and 128 conferees per conference bridge.

The user can adjust gain and speed, and skip forward and backward. The DSP Series 2 supports configurable beep tones, configurable silence parameters, and two-way call recording without using conference ports

The direct interface between the DSP card and the file server uses a 100 mbps I/O interface, off loading CPU processing, which in turn reduces overhead and improves performance.

Echo Cancellation

The DSP Series 2 card Echo Canceller removes echoes caused by signal leakage at hybrid telephone line interfaces. You may want to implement an Echo Canceller for tandem calls on trunks with echo, or to clean an incoming signal before connecting to a media resource, such as a Voice Response Unit or Answering Machine Detection.

Positive Voice Detection/Answering Machine Detection

You can configure the Excel platform to analyze incoming PCM data and detect voice or an answering machine. You can set PVD/AMD parameters for a DSP Series 2 card and for an individual channel.

Media Streaming over RTP

RTP, the real-time transport protocol, provides end-to-end network transport functions suitable for applications transmitting real-time data, such as audio, video or simulation data, over multicast or unicast network services. RTP does not address resource reservation and does not guarantee quality-of- service for real-time services.