PCI/H.100 Specific Requirements

The following are requirements for the PCI H.100 EXNET Connect:

The EXNET (ring) interface is similar for both the EXNET Connect product and the CSP. See the Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide information for details on CSP system setup.

EXNET Connect appears as a normal CSP node on the ring. You can test it as an CSP node with the following exceptions:

• The EXNET Connect will not attempt to become the ring master; therefore, the system must have at least one other CSP 2040 or CSP 2090 on the ring to act as the ring master.

• The EXNET Connect always behaves like an CSP node with a single EXNET-ONE card installed (for example, ring redundancy is not supported).

You assign a card slot number between 0 and 31 (0x00 and 0x1F) to EXNET Connect using DIP Switch S4. The host for subsequent slot-related messages will use this slot number to set, for example, span assignments and the H.100 master clock.

The host can assign a maximum of 16 E1 or 21 T1 logical spans on the PCI H.100 card operating in the SCSA Compatibility Mode. However, it supports a maximum of 64 E1 or 80 T1 logical spans in the full H.100 mode.

The EXNET Connect’s Layer 3 is PPL-driven. The default PPL Protocol included in the system software is Clear Channel protocol, PPL component ID 75 (0x4B).

EXNET Connect can support multiple protocols. It allows the host application to download up to 10 protocols. If you attempt to download more than 10 protocols, EXNET Connect may send the following responses:

– 0xD3 - Invalid Protocol ID
(If the protocol ID is greater than 10)

– 0xA7 - PPL Table Already Exists
(If the protocol table ID is 1–10 but has already been downloaded)

The EXNET Connect uses the EXS Node Configure message (0x7F) with new entities defined to configure PCI H.100 mastership.

All configuration is maintained on a push button reset of the EXNET Connect card. This includes card-specific information (assigned spans, channels per span, H.100 bus, download software revisions, downloaded PPL Protocols, and so on) and ring-specific information (logical ring ID, ring service state, logical node ID, and so on).

When the host assigns spans on the PCI H.100 card, the span assignments are broadcast to all other nodes on the ring. Broadcasting the assignments guarantees unique span assignments among the nodes on the ring.