


Set up the connection between the LLC and Matrix Controller in the node using the SK_AddLLCNode() configuration message.


Set up the connection between the LLC and the SS7 card in the node using the SK_AddSS7TCAPCard configuration message. Successive SK_AddSS7TCAPCard messages must be sent for each Stack/SSN pair that you wish to route to the SS7 card.


Send down two XL_SS7SCCPTCAPConfig messages. For both messages, set the ConfigType field to SCCP/TCAP host configuration to 0x08.
For the first message set the data as follows:
Data [0] Sub-system Number
Data [1] Option: 0x02 Delete a host
Data [2] Local/Matrix host: 0xFF Matrix host
Data [3] Host Port ID: 0x00 Port 0x3142

For the second message set the data as follows:
Data [0] Sub-system Number
Data [1] Option: 0x01 Add a host
Data [2] Local/Matrix host: 0xFE Local host
Data [3] Host Port ID: 0x00 Port 0x3142


Applications that wish to receive PPLEventIndication messages related to the TCAP connection must register by calling sk_pplTCAPMessageRegister(). This function sends the SK_TCAPMessageRegister message. On registering for PPL event indications, the user application must be set up to handle the SK_TCAPMessageRegisterAck message. See the Handler functions in the SwitchKit Programmer’s Guide.

Supported Messages

The connection from the LLC to the Matrix Controller remains intact. Therefore, an application must still process all messages that it normally processes. The LLC to SS7 card connection can handle only the following messages if registered for them, by calling sk_pplTCAPMessageRegister():

XL_PPLEventIndication - contains TCAP messaging information from the switch.

XL_PPLEventRequest - sends TCAP requests into the switch.

XL_PollMessage - The system type is 0x80. This message can also be used to determine which SS7 card is active and which is in standby.

Return Values

The Status field can contain the following values:

If the return value is



a node was added successfully.


one or both IP addresses are already in use by the LLC.


Only a string comparison is done, so, for example, if "localhost" and "" were given, no conflict would be detected.


no more nodes can be added to LLC. Current limit is 128 nodes.


no response from that IP address was received after 15 seconds.


no valid license exists for the new node.


an unexpected error occurred. Refer to the LLC maintenance.log for more details.


a delete command was sent for a non-existing node.


TC_U_ABORT messages are sent by the LLC when an application drops and has outstanding dialogues from a TCAP transaction. Then the LLC sends one PPLEventRequest (TC_U_ABORT) to the CSP for each of them. Next, the LLC puts the LLC's Dialogue object into the NOT_ALLOCATED state after receiving an ACK, NACK, or timeout from the request.