0x14 SS7 CIC Group

In this AIB, the fields define a CIC Group by assigning a span/channel as the Base CIC for the group, and by defining the number of channels in the group. The remaining channels in the group are assigned CIC numbers in sequence. All the CICs in a group must be on the same span.


AIB Field Description


Address Element: 0x14


Data Length: 0x07


Data[0] Stack ID

5, 6

Data[1, 2] Base CIC Number (MSB, LSB)

A number assigned by the host to the base CIC
for the group of circuits (2 bytes).

7, 8

Data[3, 4] Base CIC Span (MSB, LSB)

Logical Span ID on which the channel to be assigned
as the base CIC for the group is located. .


Data[5] Base CIC Channel

Channel to be assigned as the base CIC for the group


Data[6] Number of CICs in Group

The number of channels being assigned in the group