0x53 Object Type

This AIB is generic. It can be used in any Configure and Query message introduced in Release 8.0 and above to configure and query any component. The Object Type field indicates the type of object to be configured, and the Object Instance ID field indicates the ID of the particular instance of the Object in the Object Type field.


AIB Field Description


Address Element: 0x53


Data Length: 0x04


Data[0, 1] Object Type


This field indicates the type of object for which the configuration is meant. For example, to configure an SS7 Series 3 Card, the type is SS7 Stack Type.

0x0001 V.52 Interface

0x0002 SS7 Stack

0x0003 ISDN

0x0004 H323

0x0005 SINAP SS7

0x0020 IP Signaling Series 3 Card Interface

0xFFFF All object types

5, 6

Data[2, 3] Object Instance ID (Matrix Controller ID)


This field addresses the particular instance of the Object listed in the Object Type field. 0xFFFF means that the Object Instance ID does not matter.