0x04 Report Call Processing Event

Used in:
Route Control message
Outseize Control message
Inseize Control message

ICB Type

0x01 (Action)



Data Length

0x02 (for Digits event)

0x01 (for all other events)


Call Processing Event

0x00 No Event

0x01 Off-hook

0x02 Digits

0x03 Wink 1

0x04 Wink 2

0x05 Wink 3

0x06 Wink 4

0x07 Wink 5

0x08 Wink 6

0x09 Wink 7

0x0A Wink 8

0x0B Dial Tone

0x0C Reserved

0x0D Backward R2 Signal

0x0E First Digit


Stage Numbers

This field applies only when the Call Processing Event is Digits (0x02). This field is a bit mask. You can report multiple stages at the same time. Valid entries for the bits of this field range are as follows:


0 Stage 1

1 Stage 2

2 Stage 3

3 Stage 4