Type of Number

0x00 Unknown
0x01 International number
0x02 National number
0x04 Subscriber number
0x06 Abbreviated number

Cause Codes

This section lists all the Cause codes included in clearing messages (Disconnect, Release, Release Complete) and in error messages (Status).

For details on the cause code values, refer to Table I.2 in the Q.931 specification.


Normal Call Clearing.

This is used in Disconnect if another cause is not specified in the clear request message.


User Busy


Response to Status Query message.


No channel available. This is used in Release Complete for rejecting Setup when no channel is available. The channel is indicated as preferred in the Setup message.


Temporary failure. This is used in Disconnect after channel purge because the host is not responding to the clear indication.


Requested channel not available. This is used in Release Complete to reject Setup when the specified channel is not available. Channel is indicated as exclusive in Setup.


Bearer capability not implemented. This is used in Release Complete to reject a Setup with invalid Bearer Capability.


Mandatory Information Element missing.
Used in Release Complete or Status message


Invalid message type. This is used in the Status message.


Invalid Information Element content. This is used in the Status message.


Recovery on timer expiration. This is used in Release or Release Complete after expiration of timers T305 and T308.