0x0116 Channel Service TLV

Indicates whether the connection being established will be switched through the Excel platform or will bypass the Excel platform.

For VoIP calls, if this TLV is not present in one of the messages listed below, a switched Excel platform connection is created.

For non-VoIP calls, this TLV is ignored and an Excel platform switched connection is created.

Used in:
0x1E Generic PPL ICB in:
PPL Event Request message
Connect with Data message



0, 1

Tag 0x0116

2, 3

Length 0x0001

4, 5

Value[0] Bearer Service Mode:

0x0000 - Bearer-switched through the Excel

platform which implies a physical span channel.

0x0001 - Bearer-free. The Excel platform Excel

platform is bypassed which implies a virtual

span channel.