0x01DD Flush ARP Cache Table Entry

Send this TLV to remove entries from an ARP Cache table. You must also include a VoIP Module TLV to indicate the module.

To remove all entries in the table, enter a length of 0x0000.

To remove an entry for a specific IP address, enter a length of 0x0004 and enter the IP address in Data[4-7].

To remove an entry for a specific Ethernet address, enter a length of 0x0006 and enter the Ethernet address in Data[4-9].

Used in:
ARP Cache Query




Tag Flush ARP Cache Table Entry (0x01DD)

2, 3

Length Variable (see below)


Value: 0x0000
To remove all entries on the module.
There is no data.

To remove a specific IP address.
Also enter the IP address in Data[4-7].

To remove all entries at an Ethernet Address.
Also enter the Ethernet address in Data[4-9].