0x05DF Vocabulary Index File

Use this TLV to specific the server ID, path, and name for the Vocabulary Index File, which in turn tracks the name, ID, and location of recorded voice files.

This TLV is used in the Generic Card Configure message and in the response to the Generic Card Query message.



0, 1

Tag 0x05DF Vocabulary Index File

2, 3

Length Variable

4, 5

Value[0, 1 ] Primary Server ID (ID of server the file is on)

6, 7

Value[2, 3 ] Secondary Server ID (For TFTP only--future). This is a secondary Server to look for the Vocabulary Index File (VIF) on. Any time the VIF is updated, the software tries the primary server, and if there is no response, attaches to the secondary server. When the VIF is updated, all caches are cleared.

8, 9

Value[4, 5 ] Primary File Name Length


Value[6-N ] Primary File Name with Path, not including Mount name (max 100 bytes). The path must begin with one forward slash ( / ) or two backward slashes ( \\ )

(2 bytes)

Secondary Name Length (0=no secondary file)

(... -N)

Secondary File Name with Path, not including Mount name (max 100 bytes). The path must begin with one forward slash ( / ) or two backward slashes ( \\ )