0x09D1 Global Title Group Query Response

Used in:
SS7 SCCP/TCAP Query message



0, 1

Tag 0x09D1 Global Title Group Query Response

2, 3

Length 0x0009


Note: If you attempt to query either a Global Title Group that does not exist, the TLV length in the response will be one byte consisting of null data.


Value[0] State

0 Group Idle

1 Group In Service


Value[1] Stack ID - State this group belongs to.


Value[2] GTI GT Indicator


Value[3] TT Translation Type


Value[4] NP Numbering Plan


Value[5] NAI Nature of Address Indicator


Value[6] Minimum Digits - The minimum number
of digits the GT Entry of this group contains


Value[7] Maximum Digits - The maximum number of digits

the GT Entry of this group contains


Value[8] Group Attribute


Bit 0 - Maximum Match

0 Use minimum match rule for this group

1 Use the maximum match rule for this group

(best match rule).


Bit 1 - UMTS CG (Not used in current release.)

0 Calling Party address will not be changed

when GT translation results are

"Route on GT."

1 Calling Party address is changed when

GT translation results are "Route on

GT." The new calling party address is
stored in SSN default parameter table.

Bit 2 - ANSI TT4

0 Not TT4 Type

1 TT4 Type

If this bit is set, no GT entry can be

added to this group.


Bit 3 - Remove GT

0 Do not remove GT after a

successful translation.

1 Remove GT after a successful
