0x2725 Forward Call Indicators
(Interworking Only)

Used in:
0x0033 NPDI Universal ICB



0, 1

Tag 0x2725

2, 3

Length Variable


Value[0] First byte indicator

Bit 1 - Incoming International Call Indicator

0 Not an incoming international call

1 Incoming international call

Bit 2 - End-to-End Method Indicator

00 No end-to-end method available

01 Pass along method available

10 SCCP Method available

11 Pass along and SCCP method available

Bit 3 - Interworking Indicator

0 No interworking encountered (SS7 all the way)

1 Interworking encountered

Bit 4 - IAM Segmentation Indicator

0 No indication

1 Additional information sent in an unsolicited
information message

Bit 5 - ISUP Indicator

0 ISUP not used all the way

1 ISUP used all the way

Bit 6 - ISUP Preference Indicator

00 ISUP Preferred all the way

01 ISUP not required all the way

10 ISUP required all the way

11 Spare


Value[1] Second byte indicator

Bit 1 - ISDN Access Indicator

0 Originating access non-ISDN

1 Originating access ISDN

Bits 2-3 - SCCP Method Indicator

00 No indication

01 Connectionless method available

10 Connection oriented method available

11 Connectionless and connection oriented
method available

Bit 4 - Spare

Bits 5-8 - Reserved for National Use