0x2751 High Layer Compatibility
(Interworking Only)

Used in:
0x0033 NPDI Universal ICB



0, 1

Tag 0x2751

2, 3

Value[0] Length

4, 5

Value[1] Coding Standard


0x00 CCITT Standardized Coding

0x01 ISO/IEC Standard

0x02 National Standard

0x03 Standard specific to identified location


Value[2] Interpretation


0x04 First (primary or only) high layer characteristic
identification to be used in the call. All other values
are reserved.


Value[3] Presentation Method of the Protocol Profile


0x01 High layer protocol profile. All other values are


Value[4] High layer characteristics identification

0x01 Telephony


0x04 Facsimile Group 2/3 (Recommendation F.182)


0x21 Facsimile Group 4 Class I (Recommendation F.184)


0x24 Teletex service, basic and mixed mode of operation
(Recommendation F.230 and facsimile service group
4, Classes II and III (Recommendation F.184)


0x28 Teletex service, basic and processable mode of
operation (Recommendation F.220 [71]).


0x31 Teletex service, basic mode of operation.
(Recommendation F.200 [72]).


0x32 Syntax based Videotex. (Recommendations F.300 [73]
and T.102 [74]).


0x33 International Videotex Interworking via gateways or
Interworking units (Recommendations F.300 and T.101


0x35 Telex service (Recommendation F.60 [76]).

0x38 Message Handling Systems (MHS) (X.400 Series
Recommendations [77]).


0x41 OSI Application (X.200 Series Recommendations [78]).


0x60 Audio Visual (Recommendation F.721 [79])


All the other values are reserved


Value[5] Extended high layer characteristics identification

0x01 Telephony


0x04 Facsimile Group 2/3 (Recommendation F.182)


0x21 Facsimile Group 4 Class I (Recommendation F.184)


0x24 Teletex service, basic and mixed mode of operation
(Recommendation F.230 and facsimile service group
4, Classes II and III (Recommendation F.184)


0x28 Teletex service, basic and processable mode of
operation (Recommendation F.220 [71]).


0x31 Teletex service, basic mode of operation.
(Recommendation F.200 [72]).


0x32 Syntax based Videotex. (Recommendations F.300 [73]
and T.102 [74]).


0x33 International Videotex Interworking via gateways or
Interworking units (Recommendations F.300 and T.101


0x35 Telex service (Recommendation F.60 [76]).

0x38 Message Handling Systems (MHS) (X.400 Series
Recommendations [77]).


0x41 OSI Application (X.200 Series Recommendations [78]).


0x60 Audio Visual (Recommendation F.721 [79])


All the other values are reserved


Value[6] Optional bytes

For future enhancements in protocol. Also can be used to
customize the protocol with other information with this