Global View

Global View

The CSA graphically displays each node in a CSP system. The view also shows the assigned logical node ID, user-defined display node name, and chassis type. It flashes to show receipt of a poll message.You can see the nodes as monitoring icon and/or configuration icon. All configuration icons are indicated with a blue background.

This screen shot shows the global view.

Status Indicators

A flashing green Light Emitting Diode (LED) at the node in the monitoring dialog box indicates that the node is active (responding with Poll messages). A red LED indicates the node has stopped polling the host.

The Ring Status is represented by the color of the bar connecting the nodes.

Green - All rings configured on the node are in-service.

Blue - At least one of the rings configured on the node is in-service and at least one is out-of-service.

Red - All of the rings assigned to the node are out-of-service or no rings have been assigned.

Gray - There are no EXNET cards present in the node.

The EXNET card is represented by the color of the bar connecting the nodes.