Call Flows


The following diagrams depict some of the basic H.323 call flows. They are examples and not necessarily functional call flows. Refer to Appendix C, H.323 Call Flows and Message Traces for call flows that include the message traces.

H.323 Incoming Call - Fast Connect, No Gatekeeper

H.323 Incoming Call - Fast Connect, Gatekeeper

H.323 Outgoing Call - Fast Connect, No Gatekeeper



H.323 Incoming - Fast Connect, Gatekeeper


H.323 Incoming Call with H.245 Procedure

H.323 Outgoing Call with H.245 Procedure



User Input Indication for Pre-Paid Applications

H.323 Endpoint supports DTMF - Digits received from PSTN side

H.323 Endpoint supports DTMF - UII received from IP side



H.323 Endpoint supports only Alphanumeric - Digits received from the PSTN side

H323 Endpoint supports only Alphanumeric - Digits are received from IP side







Call Release Call Flows



Host Initiated Call Release

Network Initiated Call Release