SwitchKit Intelligent Network and Wireless Components


To integrate the IntelliNet Intelligent Network (IN) and wireless protocol stacks with the Excel platform, application developers can make use of two basic layers to reduce their development cycle when using SwitchKit as their application development tool. These abstraction layers are:

• SwitchKit TCAP Abstraction Layer (SKTAL):


Formats data for the IntelliNet codecs interfacing with the Excel platform TCAP stack.

• SwitchKit Interface Module (SKIM):

Hides the TCAP stack from the application developer.

These abstraction layers are supported for both ANSI and ITU TCAP standards.

SwitchKit TCAP Abstraction Layer

The SwitchKit TCAP Abstraction Layer presents a generic view of the Excel platform TCAP layer by translating between PPL Events and TCAP messages. This is a modular layer that is directed to applications that require explicit control over TCAP operations. With the SwitchKit TCAP Abstraction Layer the following is provided:

• A consistent programming paradigm to an existing SwitchKit user

• A simple API to handle TCAP operations

• Dialogue ID allocation and management capabilities

• Error handling and detection capability for transaction level protocol errors that can be handled transparently

• Notification and alarm generation mechanism to the application

The SwitchKit TCAP Abstraction Layer is delivered in binary format. To form an executable image using the defined functionality this layer is required to be linked with:

• The application developer’s software

• The required codecs

• SwitchKit

• SKIM (optional)


The following is a list of APIs used with the SwitchKit TCAP Abstraction Layer.












The SwitchKit TCAP Abstraction Layer employs the handler function SwitchKit model for event handling.

SwitchKit Interface Module

The SwitchKit Interface Module differs from the SwitchKit TCAP Abstraction Layer primarily in its ability to abstract details of the TCAP protocol for an application.

The SwitchKit Interface Module provides a consistent programming paradigm to existing SwitchKit users. This module’s APIs abstract details of the SS7 TCAP protocol. This interface can be used by application developers to reduce their development cycle. The SwitchKit Interface Module has a default class for each type of operation and knows which operations have linked operations. If the module is unable to handle a certain message flow, the application can use the SwitchKit TCAP Abstraction Layer. The capabilities of the SwitchKit Interface Module are summarized as follows:

• Abstracts details of the TCAP protocol for an application.

• Formats the TCAP messages into a message list

• Keeps track of active TCAP dialogs

• Invokes entities, such as, IDs, operation types, and operation codes.

• Provides error handling and detection capability for transaction level protocol errors transparently.

• Provides notification and alarm generation mechanism to the application.

• Tracing

The SwitchKit Interface Module is delivered in binary format. To form an executable image using the defined functionality this module is required to be linked with:

• The application developer’s software

• The required codecs

• SwitchKit API



The following is a list of APIs used with the SwitchKit Interface Module. These APIs employ the handler function SwitchKit model for event handling.

• SKIM_Api::Initialize()

• SKIM_Api::Terminate()

• SKIM_Api::Send()

• SKIM_Api::SendSSNInService()

• SKIM_Api::SendSSNOutOfService()

• SKIM_Api::SendReject()

• SKIM_Api::CancelOperation()

• SKIM_Api::SendPreArrangedEnd()

• SKIM_Api::SetTransHandler()

• SKIM_Api::ClearTransHandler()

• SKIM_Api::EnableTracing()

• SKIM_Api::DisableTracing()