Installing the CSA


This procedure guides you through the CSA installation.

Before you begin

You should run the CSA on a separate computer from other SwitchKit modules and call control applications. Excel recommends separating critical real-time processes from graphical display environments.

Important! It might be necessary to reboot your machine after the installation.

Installing the CSA

Follow the installation steps below to install the CSA.

1 Log on to your target machine with an administrative account.

2 If you have the SwitchSight Administrator (SSA) or an older version of the CSA on your system, you should remove them from your system. Use the Add®Remove Programs feature in the Windows Control Panel to remove the program.

3 When the SSA or older version of CSA is successfully uninstalled, revisit your installation directory and remove the SSA folder.

4 Insert the SwitchKit Installation CD.

5 Go to the folder: SwitchKit/User Interface.

6 Double-click on CSA.exe to install the program. This is a self-extracting executable. By default, all associated files will be installed in the directory C:\Program Files\Excel Switching Corporation\CSA.exe.

7 Follow the screen instructions.

8 Reboot your machine if prompted.


Opening the CSA

Do the following to open the CSA.

1 At the Start menu, select Programs from the menu list.

2 Select CSA from the list of programs.

3 Click the CSA shortcut. This opens the CSA program.


CSA Start Window

When you have completed the previous steps, the window below opens: