Configuring Loop Timing


This procedure describes configuring loop timing.

Before you begin

You must have a node view window open in configuration mode.

Do not configure loop timing on a VDAC-ONE card, IP Network Interface Series 2 card or a DS3 span.

Configuring Loop Timing

The following steps explain how to configure Loop Timing with the CSA.

1 Right-click your active CPU S3 (Matrix Controller Series 3) card and select Loop Timing Configuration. This opens the Configure Loop Timing dialog box:

2 Check the boxes for Primary Loop Timing and Secondary Loop Timing. Select Set Loop Timing.

3 Enter the Slot and Span Offset information.

4 Click OK to close the Configure Loop Timing dialog box.



Configuration changes are not sent to the CSP until you select the menu: Configuration®Configure Through SwitchMgr ®Send Only Modified Configuration To Switch.