Configuring M3UA Software


Use the procedures in this section along with API Reference to configure M3UA software.

The procedures in this chapter includes an a description of the message and an example for each field. The header information is standard and is not included.

Activating M3UA Software

To activate any new feature, including M3UA Software, you must use a Product License Key, which Excel provides when you purchase the Product License. The key is unique and encrypted.

Follow the steps below:

1. Download the Product License to enable M3UA software.
The M3UA license key is provided as a text file: usually LICENSE.CFG or SERIALNO.CFG.

2. Send the Product License Key in the Product License ICB (0x24), within the Product License Download message (0x0079). This message identifies both the key type and the license authorization code associated with a specific feature. The key type for M3UA is 0x3132. The Excel platform verifies the key, then activates the feature.

3. You must download the license key each time new system software is downloaded or when you cycle the power.


Configuring the SS7 Stack


The SS7 Card must have the IP Address configured (See the IP Address Configure message in the API Reference.)

CCS Redundancy must be configured. (See the CCS Redundancy Configure message in the API Reference.)

The Object ID of the Application Server must match the Stack ID.

To configure the SS7 Signaling Stack to include M3UA use the SS7 Signaling Stack Configure 0x005C message with the SS7 Slot AIB as follows:


Example (hex)

AE - SS7 Slot




Number of Modules

03 (MTP, L3P, M3UA)

Module 1

01 - MTP

Module 1 Variant

00 - ANSI ’97

Module 2

03 - Layer 3 Plus

Module 2 Variant

00 - ANSI ’97

Module 3

08 - M3UA

Module 3 Variant

00 - ANSI ’97

Adding M3UA Protocol Parameters

When adding M3UA protocol parameters, you need to use maps if the Excel platform is working with different types of networks. For example the Excel platform might be working in an international and national network at the same time. For each network you need to assign a different map. If you are not using maps, enter 0 in the Map Number field.

Use the NGA Configure (0x0130) message type to create a map and assign values for standard and network identity to the map.


Example (hex)

Address Method - Item


Functional Area - Signaling

00 01

Object Type

SS7 Stack

64 02 10 01

Object Identifier - Stack ID

00 01

Object Type - M3UA Protocol

64 02 10 20

Object ID of M3UA Protocol

65 02 00 01

Object Type - Stack Parameter

64 02 10 21

Object ID -
Always 00 00

65 02 00 00

Data Type

0x00 - TLVs


Number of TLVs


Command TLV

E0 01


00 00

Data TLV - 0x9041 Protocol Parameters

90 41

Number of Maps. Up to 10 (0-9)


Map Number


Network Appearance


Standard - ANSI


Network Identity - International


Modifying Protocol Parameters

Use the NGA Configure (0x0130) message type as described below. The example removes Map 01.


Example (hex)

Address Method - Item


Functional Area - Signaling

00 01

Object Type

SS7 Stack

64 02 10 01

Object Identifier - Stack ID

00 01

Object Type - M3UA Protocol

64 02 10 20

Object ID of M3UA Protocol

65 02 00 01

Object Type - Stack Parameter

64 02 10 21

Object ID -
Always 00 00

65 02 00 00

Data Type

0x00 - TLVs


Number of TLVs


0xE001 Command

E0 01


00 02

Number of Maps. Up to 10 (0-9)


Modify Option

00 00 00 00 - Add Map
00 00 00 01 - Remove Map

00 00 00 01

Map Number


Network Appearance


Standard - ANSI


Network Identity - International



Adding Signaling Gateway Process

You must configure all the Signaling Gateway Processes in the system and then configure the Signaling Gateways that use them. Note the following when adding Signaling Gateway Processes:

A Signaling Gateway Process cannot be assigned to more than one Signaling Gateway.

A Signaling Gateway can use up to two Signaling Gateway Processes.

You can configure up to 20 Signaling Gateway Processes in the range 00-19.

Use the NGA Configure (0x0130) message type to add a Signaling Gateway Process.


Example (hex)

Address Method - Item


Functional Area - Signaling

00 01

Object Type - SS7 Stack

64 02 10 01

Object Identifier - Stack ID

00 11

Object Type - M3UA Protocol

64 02 10 20

Object Type - Remote Signaling Gateway Process

64 02 10 29

Object ID

65 02 00 01

Data Type

0x00 - TLVs


Number of TLVs


0xE001 Command

E0 01


00 00

Data TLV - 0x9045 Signaling Gateway Process

90 45


00 01

Number of IP Addresses


IP Addresses

12 34 56 78

Removing Signaling Gateway Processes

You must remove all connections to the Signaling Gateway Process before you remove it. Use the NGA Configure (0x0130) message type described above but use the Remove (0x0001) value for the Command TLV.

Adding Signaling Gateway

Once you configure all the Signaling Gateway Processes in the system, you can configure the Signaling Gateways that use them. Note the following when adding Signaling Gateways:

A Signaling Gateway can use up to two Signaling Gateway Processes.

You can configure up to 10 Signaling Gateways in the range 0-9.

Use the NGA Configure (0x0130) message type to add a Signaling Gateway as indicated below. .


Example (hex)

Address Method - Item


Functional Area - Signaling

00 01

Object Type - SS7 Stack

64 02 10 01

Object Identifier - Stack ID

00 01

Object Type - M3UA Protocol

64 02 10 20

Object Type - Remote Signaling Gateway

64 02 10 27

Object ID

65 02 00 01

Data Type

0x00 - TLVs


Number of TLVs


0xE001 Command

E0 01


00 00

Data TLV - 0x9044 Signaling Gateway

90 44

Traffic Mode

01 - Override

Primary SGP ID

00 01

Number of SGP


Signaling Gateway Process

00 01

Removing Signaling Gateways

You must remove all connections to a Signaling Gateway before you remove it.

The Signaling Gateways are represented in the system by the sum of the logical connections that lead to it. Refer to Figure 1-1, Physical and logical connections (1-5) for an overview of this concept.

Use the NGA Configure (0x0130) message type above but use the Remove (0x0001) value for the Command TLV.

Adding Route Sets

Route Sets represent different ways to route a call through the network. Note the following when adding Route Sets:

You can prioritize routes but you cannot load share.

The signaling gateways associated with the route sets must exist before configuring the route sets.

You can configure 64 route sets in the range 00 - 63. In the current release, the maximum number of routes in the system is 255.

Use the NGA Configure (0x0130) message type to add route sets as follows.


Example (hex)

Address Method - Item


Functional Area - Signaling

00 01

Object Type - SS7 Stack

64 02 10 01

Object Identifier - Stack ID

00 01

Object Type - M3UA Protocol

64 02 10 20

Object Type - Route Set

64 02 10 2A

Object ID

65 02 00 02

Data Type

0x00 - TLVs


Number of TLVs


0xE001 Command

E0 01


00 00

Data TLV

0x9052 Route Set

90 52


00 00 00 01

Number of Routes

Up to 10 per Route Set
(0-9) .

In current release, the maximum routes in the system is 255.

00 01

Route ID

11 11

Signaling Gateway ID

10 10

Network Appearance

10 10 10 10


00 01

Removing Route Sets

Use the NGA Configure (0x0130) message type as follows. .


Example (hex)

Address Method - Item


Functional Area - Signaling

00 01

Object Type - SS7 Stack

64 02 10 01

Object Identifier - Stack ID

00 01

Object Type - M3UA Protocol

64 02 10 20

Object Type - Route Set

64 02 10 2A

Object ID

65 02 00 02

Data Type

0x00 - TLVs


Number of TLVs


0xE001 Command

E0 01


00 01

Modifying Route Sets

Use the NGA Configure (0x0130) message type as follows. The example removes route 1111.


Example (hex)

Address Method - Item


Functional Area - Signaling

00 01

Object Type - SS7 Stack

64 02 10 01

Object Identifier - Stack ID

00 01

Object Type - M3UA Protocol

64 02 10 20

Object Type - Route Set

64 02 10 2A

Object ID

65 02 00 02

Data Type

0x00 - TLVs


Number of TLVs


0xE001 Command

E0 01


00 02

Data TLV - 0x9053 Modify Destination

90 53


00 00 00 01

Modify Option

00 00 00 00 - Add Route
00 00 00 01 - Remove Route

00 00 00 01

Number of Routes

Up to 10 per Route Set

00 01

Route ID

11 11

Signaling Gateway ID

10 10

Network Appearance

10 10 10 10


00 01


Adding Application Server Process

You must configure the Application Server Processes before configuring the Application Servers that use them.

Note the following when adding Application Server Processes:

Each Application Server Process should be assigned to a least one Application Server.

You can configure two local Application Server Processes in the range 0-1.

You can configure up to two IP Addresses per Application Server Process in the range 0-1.

Use the NGA Configure (0x0130) message type to add an Application Server Process as follows. .


Example (hex)

Address Method - Item


Functional Area - Signaling

00 01

Object Type - SS7 Stack

64 02 10 01

Object Identifier - Stack ID

00 01

Object Type - M3UA Protocol

64 02 10 20

Object Type - Local Application Server Process

64 02 10 24

Object ID

65 02 00 03

Data Type

0x00 - TLVs


Number of TLVs


0xE001 Command

E0 01


00 00

Data TLV - 0x9043 Application Server Process

90 43

Primary IP Address

00 00 11 11

Secondary IP Address

11 11 00 00

Removing Application Server Processes

To remove the Application Server Process, you must follow the steps below:

1. Set an Application Server Process to inactive for all Application Servers that use it.

2. Remove all connections using this Application Server Process.

3. Disconnect the Application Server Process from all Signaling Gateway Processes on the Signaling Gateway side.

4. Remove the Application Server Process from all the Application Servers.

Adding Application Server

You must configure the Application Server Processes and Signaling Gateways before configuring the Application Servers that use them. Use the NGA Configure (0x0130) message type to add an Application Server.

Note the following when adding Application Servers:

You can configure up to four Application Servers in the range 0-3.

Each Application Server in the system must have a unique network appearance. The network appearance can have the same parameters (protocol type and network identity) but must have a unique number.

The Object ID of the Application Server must match the Stack ID. In this example, they are both 00 01.


Example Value (hex)

Address Method - Item


Functional Area - Signaling

00 01

Object Type - SS7 Stack

64 02 10 01

Object Identifier - Stack ID

00 01

Object Type - M3UA Protocol

64 02 10 20

Object Type - Local Application Server

64 02 10 22

Object ID

65 00 01

Data Type

0x00 - TLVs


Number of TLVs


0xE001 Command

E0 01


00 00

Data TLV - 0x9042
Application Server

90 42

Traffic Mode - Override


Routing Key


Type - DPC


Point Code

00 01

Network Appearance

00 01

Number of Ranges

Up to 10 per AS in the range 0-9.




Number of Application Server Processes




Number of routing contexts. Up to 10 per Application Server (0-9)


Routing contexts


Routing Context ID

00 00 00 01

Signaling Gateway ID

00 01


Removing Application Servers

You must stop all traffic to the Application Server by setting all the logical connections to inactive.

The inactive command should specify the Application Server that is going to be removed. This way the other Application Servers that are using the same Application Server Processes are not affected.

Adding a Connection

The Signaling Gateway Processes and Application Server Processes that will be connected should be configured before adding the connection.

You can configure 80 connections in the range 00-79.

Use the NGA Configure (0x0130) message type to add a connection. .


Example Value (hex)

Address Method - Item


Functional Area - Signaling

00 01

Object Type - SS7 Stack

64 02 10 01

Object Identifier - Stack ID

00 01

Object Type - M3UA Protocol

64 02 10 20

Object Type - Connection

64 02 10 2B

Object ID

00 01

Data Type

0x00 - TLVs


Number of TLVs


0xE001 Command

E0 01


00 00

Data TLV - 0x9046 Connection

90 46

Application Server
Process ID

00 01

Signaling Gateway
Process ID

00 01

Removing Connections

Removing a connection is a configuration action not a control action. You must first must stop all traffic on the connection by setting the Application Server that uses the logical connection to Out of Service.

You can send an inactive command to each Application Server that uses the Application Server Process or to all Application Servers using one command.

Use the NGA Configure (0x0130) message type described above but use the Remove (0x0001) value in the Command TLV.