Configuration Message Syntax


The following is a syntax explanation of the CSP configuration messages.

Generic Syntax


Parameter = Value,

Parameter = Value,

Parameter = Value);

Enter configuration parameters as provided through the source code.

Configuration values depend on the customer specifications but must be in a valid range.

If the message name is followed by empty parentheses, no parameters are required.

Entering Comments

To place comments after a message in your configuration file, put a pound symbol (#) at the beginning of the comment. Comments can be placed immediately after the end of the message or on a separate line, as follows:

MessageName(Parameter = Value); # comment


MessageName (Parameter = Value, Parameter = Value);

# comment

Entering Data Arrays

To specify a data array as an argument, simply list all the bytes individually, separated by a colon (:). The Number of Data Locations must precede the data array. Example to do a SystemConfig with a data array of the bytes 0x01 0x00 0x0A:

SystemConfig(ConfigType = 0x03, Data = 0x01:0x00:0x0A);


To make the parameters easier to distinguish, message formats are presented in the documentation for the API messages in the following manner:

MessageName (

0001 Parameter = Value,

0002 Parameter = Value,

0003 Parameter = Value);

You can enter messages in the configuration file in this format or in one string, as long as the syntax is correct.