

SwitchKit API message


The SK_RegisterAsRedundantApp message is used by the function sk_registerAsRedundant().

If an application needs to register for membership into a Redundant Application Pool (RAP), the application must call the function sk_registerAsRedundant(). The function then uses the SK_RegisterAsRedundantApp message to register the application for membership into a RAP.

To remove an application from a pool, the application calls the function sk_deregisterAsRedundant(), which then also uses the message to take a member out of the pool.

A SK_RegisterAsRedundantAppAck message is an acknowledgment by the LLC, indicating the completion of the original request.

Sent by

Function sk_registerAsRedundant()


You can modify the following arguments:




AppName is the application name of the requesting application. The name can be obtained by calling sk_getConnectionName().


The RedundantAppPoolID is a string that uniquely identifies the class of application wishing to be treated as redundant applications.

Notes: RAP IDs are case sensitive.


RedundantAppPriority is a value indicating the current priority of the application. The higher the value, the more likely it is that the LLC will select the application as primary. Predefined values are:

Used by an application wishing to monitor the activity of this RedundantAppClass. An application selecting this priority cannot be considered either primary or secondary.

Used when an application needs to be removed from an RedundantAppClass for which it has previously registered.


Size of the data


Data bytes

C Structure

typedef struct {

int AppName;

char RedundantAppPoolID[32];

int RedundantAppPriority;

unsigned short DataSize;

UBYTE Data[211];

} SK_RegisterAsRedundantApp;

C Structure Response

typedef struct {

int Status;

int AppName;

char RedundantAppPoolID[32];

int RedundantAppPriority;

} SK_RegisterAsRedundantAppAck;

C++ Class

class SKC_RegisterAsRedundantApp : public SKC_ToolkitMessage {


int getAppName() const;

void setAppName(int x);

const char *getRedundantAppPoolID() const;

void setRedundantAppPoolID(const char *x);

int getRedundantAppPriority() const;

void setRedundantAppPriority(int x);

unsigned short getDataSize() const;

void setDataSize(unsigned short x);

const UBYTE *getData() const;

UBYTE *getData();

void setData(UBYTE *x);


C++ Class Response

class SKC_RegisterAsRedundantAppAck : public SKC_ToolkitAck {


int getStatus() const;

void setStatus(int x);

int getAppName() const;

void setAppName(int x);

const char *getRedundantAppPoolID() const;

void setRedundantAppPoolID(const char *x);

int getRedundantAppPriority() const;

void setRedundantAppPriority(int x);
