

SwitchKit API message


The LLC sends this message as a response to a previously sent sk_requestOutseizedChannel() or sk_requestChannel(). It notifies the application that a channel has been assigned to it, which must later be returned with sk_returnChannel(). It is important to note that even in the case of a SK_OUTSEIZE_NACK, a channel has been assigned to the application which must be returned.

To check the return status, you should first check SKStatus. Only if SKStatus contains SK_OUTSEIZE_NACK should XLStatus be examined. Otherwise, XLStatus will contain invalid data.

SKStatus will contain one of the following values:

OK - the channel referenced by "Span/Channel" was successfully outseized. Span/Channel is considered allocated to this application, and must be returned through sk_returnChannel when the application is done with it.

SK_OUTSEIZE_NACK - the channel Span/Channel received an XLStatus nack from the Outseize attempt. This will only be returned after the number of retries specified in the sk_requestOutseizedChannel() have all been tried and failed. The last Span, Channel whose outseize failed is considered allocated to this application, and must be returned through sk_returnChannel() when the application is done with it.

SK_NO_CHANNELS - none of the channels in the requested group were available. The channels might be unavailable because they’re in use, out of service, or in yellow or red alarm. In this case, Span/Channel will contain invalid data, as no channel has been assigned to the application.

Sent by


C Structure

typedef struct {

int SKStatus;

unsigned short XLStatus;

int Span;

int Channel;

} SK_RequestChannelAck;

C++ Class

class SKC_RequestChannelAck : public SKC_ToolkitAck {


int getSKStatus() const;

void setSKStatus(int x);

unsigned short getXLStatus() const;

void setXLStatus(unsigned short x);

int getSpan() const;

void setSpan(int x);

int getChannel() const;

void setChannel(int x);
